PD 606 (DA 3328)Plan and section of circular curb.1951  
PD 1597 (DA 3623)Athena Temple at Sounion: epistyle.1967  
PD 1597 (DA 3624)Athena Temple at Sounion: epistyle.1967  
PD 15 (DA 4194)Drawing of anta capital (A 371), antithema crown (A 372), geison (A 367), and raking geison (A 369) from the Stoa of Zeus.1936  
PD 1174 (DA 4537)Altar of Ares: details of orthostate.1961  
PD 1549 (DA 258)Square peristyle - South Stoa II series: geison hawksbeaks; profiles. Also actual state of A 2414, A 1476 with decoration and restored elevation with decoration.1967  
PD 1500 (DA 2979)Theseion: wall cap, A 1645.1966  
PD 1078 (DA 2994)Plan of underside of wall capping showing decoration.1958