"UserLevel","Id","Date","Collection","Type","Title","Chronology","Icon","Name" "","Agora:Lot:Ω 409","29 July 1970","Agora","Lot","Roman House H; Well P 21:2 in East Colonnade of Peristyle","6th A.D.","","Ω 409" "","Agora:Lot:Α 120","","Agora","Lot","Cistern","","","Α 120" "","Agora:Lot:Ζ 320","10 June 1937","Agora","Lot","Tholos Trench H; Layer III","Second Quarter of 5th B.C.","","Ζ 320" "","Agora:Lot:Ζ 372","16 February 1938","Agora","Lot","Tholos Trench L; Layer III","Late 5th B.C.","","Ζ 372" "","Agora:Lot:Ζ 373","16 February 1938","Agora","Lot","Tholos Trench L; Layer III","Late 5th B.C.","","Ζ 373" "","Agora:Lot:ΟΟ 231","26 March-30 April 1948","Agora","Lot","Building A; Bath; North Hypocaust Room and Furnace Dump; Destruction Debris and Upper Layer of Furnace Dump","2nd half of 3rd A.D.","","ΟΟ 231" "","Agora:Lot:ΠΠ 380","May 1956","Agora","Lot","Cistern at 6/ΛΗ","","","ΠΠ 380" "","Agora:Lot:ΒΔ 246","2 Jul 1971","Agora","Lot","Greek House δ; Room 9 Southwest and 9 Northeast; Layer 6; Room 9; Southwest","Classical","","ΒΔ 246"