2007.05.0045Room B, south of Wall 4, after pedestalling several patches of floor surfaces (center, removed in Basket 11), and revealing a white floor surface and before excavating a deposit in the southeast corner of the basket (right). [After Basket 6; Before Basket 10; Before Basket 11]27 Jun 2007  
2007.05.0107East side of Room B, south of Wall 4, after excavating a layer of fill between the tile wall and Wall 7 (right arrow) and the fill west of the tile wall (left arrow), and before resuming excavation in the fill west of the tile wall. [After Basket 29; After Basket 32; Before Basket 36]16 Jul 2007  
2007.05.0026West side of Room B, south of Wall 4, after revealing a patch of a packed earth floor surface (left), and before excavationg the east side of the area (right). [After Basket 2; Before Basket 6]18 Jun 2007  
2007.05.0027East side of Room B before removing a floor surface that was revealed at the end of the 2006 season. [Before Basket 6]18 Jun 2007  
2007.05.0029Northwest corner of Room II after revealing a patch of floor surface and before excavating the loose fill to the south. [After Basket 3; Before Basket 7]19 Jun 2007  
2007.05.0030Northwest corner of Room II after revealing a patch of floor surface and before excavating the loose fill to the south. [After Basket 3; Before Basket 7]19 Jun 2007  
2007.05.0031Northwest corner of Room II after revealing a patch of floor surface and before excavating the loose fill to the south. [After Basket 3; Before Basket 7]19 Jun 2007  
2007.05.0036Room M after excavating a deep layer of fill in the southeast corner (top left), and before removing a pedestalled group of rubble (arrow). [After Basket 4; Before Basket 8]21 Jun 2007