A 64Triglyph Block Fragment with Mason's Mark27 July 1931  
A 2241Column Fragment: Doric1953  
A 2253Wall Block Fragment with Mason's Mark30 March 1936  
DA 13042Temple of Ares ceiling coffer.   
PD 967 (DA 10720)Temple of Ares. Reconstructed step block.1958  
1997.10.0343 (81-79)Plans, elevations, and sections of metopes from the Temple of Ares.1958  
1997.10.0344 (81-81)Plans of top and bottom of triglyphs from the Temple of Ares.1958  
1997.10.0373 (81-72)Restored profile, plans and elevation of epikranitis fragments. Cf. Hesperia 28 (1959), p. 35, fig. 19.1958  
1997.10.0374 (81-80)Plans, elevations, and restored isometric drawing of the flank geison block based on two large non-joining fragments, one from the inner face (A 1812), the other one preserving only the back of the mutule soffit (A 1939).1958  
1997.10.0375 (81-82)Plans, elevations, and sections of marble roof tiles of Temples of Hephaistos and Ares, for comparison.1958  
1997.10.0376 (81-83)Plan and elevation of a crosswall block.1958  
1997.10.0377 (81-84)Plans, elevations, and section of a triglyph.1958  
1997.10.0378 (81-85)Profiles of anta-capitals of Temples of Hephaistos and Ares for comparison. Cf. Hesperia 28 (1959), p. 36, fig. 20 with addition of profile A 1135.1958  
1997.10.0379 (9-82)Restored drawing of a ceiling coffer from the Temple of Ares, made on the basis of several fragments. Watercolor by Piet de Jong.1939  
1997.10.0380 (LX-54)Drawings of architrave fragments. Epistyle fragments (A 896 and A 1792) and a fragment with regula and guttae (A 169).1953  
1997.10.0381 (LX-55)At left: tympanum backer. At right: restored isometric drawing of corner of the epistyle.1953  
1997.10.0382 (LX-56)Isometric drawings of wall blocks (A 215, A 248, A 1567, A 1568 and A 2253) and step blocks (A 704, A 1438 and A 1847).1953  
1997.10.0383 (LX-57)Profiles of anta capitals.1953  
1997.10.0384 (LX-58)Plan and section of a corner geison block bearing the number A 238. Many fragments were doweled together and partly restored in concrete. Included in the reconstructed cornice are the pieces: A 238a , A 239 a & b, A 602, A 2241-2250 and other fragments of A 238 renumbered as A 2251-2254.1953  
1997.10.0385 (LX-59)Profiles of capital fragments of the Temple of Ares compared with profile of Hephaisteion capital. The lower part of the profile of A 600 and A 1845 (fragment c) has been restored from A 1773.1953  
1997.10.0386 (LX-60)Plans, sections, and elevations of triglyphs and a reconstruction of the frieze. Cf. Hesperia 28 (1959), pp. 18-19, figs. 9 and 10 for a revised version made in 1958 by Ms. Holland.1953  
1997.10.0388 (LX-62)Restored plan of capital and detail of flutes of a column. Made from A 1845 (fragment b), A 1437 and A 2241 (small fragment of arris).1953  
1997.10.0390 (LX-68)Profiles of geison block. The height is given by the epikranitis fragments A 1779 and A 1812a, while the profile of the moulding was taken from A 1868.1953  
1997.10.0400 (LX-53)Plan and section of ceiling and profiles of coffers. On drawing A 2773 should be read A 2173.1953  
1997.10.0470 (XIX-83)Restored elevation of the corner of the temple with the angle cornice block. A 64 is a corner triglyph block; A 602, A 238, A 239 (fragments a and b) are part of the same corner block forming the fascia; A 701 is a corner sima. [A 701 was erroneously assigned to the Temple of Ares, it actually belongs to the Hephaisteion. Cf. A.J.A. 78, 1974, p. 224, no. 31 and A.J.A. 80, 1976, p. 232.]1939  
2012.51.0413 (XIX-83)Restored elevation of the corner of the temple with the angle cornice block. A 64 is a corner triglyph block; A 602, A 238, A 239 (fragments a and b) are part of the same corner block forming the fascia; A 701 is a corner sima. [A 701 was erroneously assigned to the Temple of Ares, it actually belongs to the Hephaisteion. Cf. A.J.A. 78, 1974, p. 224, no. 31 and A.J.A. 80, 1976, p. 232.]1939  
2012.55.0869 (81-72)Restored profile, plans and elevation of epikranitis fragments. Cf. Hesperia 28 (1959), p. 35, fig. 19.1958  
2012.55.0876 (81-79)Plans, elevations, and sections of metopes from the Temple of Ares.1958  
2012.55.0877 (81-80)Plans, elevations, and restored isometric drawing of the flank geison block based on two large non-joining fragments, one from the inner face (A 1812), the other one preserving only the back of the mutule soffit (A 1939).1958  
2012.55.0878 (81-81)Plans of top and bottom of triglyphs from the Temple of Ares.1958  
2012.55.0879 (81-82)Plans, elevations, and sections of marble roof tiles of Temples of Hephaistos and Ares, for comparison.1958  
2012.55.0880 (81-83)Plan and elevation of a crosswall block.1958  
2012.55.0881 (81-84)Plans, elevations, and section of a triglyph.1958  
2012.55.0882 (81-85)Profiles of anta-capitals of Temples of Hephaistos and Ares for comparison. Cf. Hesperia 28 (1959), p. 36, fig. 20 with addition of profile A 1135.1958  
2012.53.1148 (LX-53)Plan and section of ceiling and profiles of coffers. On drawing A 2773 should be read A 2173.1953  
2012.53.1149 (LX-54)Drawings of architrave fragments. Epistyle fragments (A 896 and A 1792) and a fragment with regula and guttae (A 169).1953  
2012.53.1150 (LX-55)At left: tympanum backer. At right: restored isometric drawing of corner of the epistyle.1953  
2012.53.1151 (LX-56)Isometric drawings of wall blocks (A 215, A 248, A 1567, A 1568 and A 2253) and step blocks (A 704, A 1438 and A 1847).1953  
2012.53.1153 (LX-58)Plan and section of a corner geison block bearing the number A 238. Many fragments were doweled together and partly restored in concrete. Included in the reconstructed cornice are the pieces: A 238a , A 239 a & b, A 602, A 2241-2250 and other fragments of A 238 renumbered as A 2251-2254.1953  
2012.53.1154 (LX-59)Profiles of capital fragments of the Temple of Ares compared with profile of Hephaisteion capital. The lower part of the profile of A 600 and A 1845 (fragment c) has been restored from A 1773.1953