
[Agora Notebook Page] ΟΟ-17-61 (pp. 3312-3313)

Pre-Poros Building Fill; Cleaning Clay Fill Beside Early North-South Wall in Side of Well at 61/Μ; West Wall of Room 2 and 3 East. Pre-Poros Building Fill; Disturbed; Cleaning Edges of Late Pit Partially ... ΟΟ-17 3312, 3313 ΟΟ 1065 P 19993 ΟΟ:1949.0524:3 N 47790 Lot ΟΟ 727 Lot ΟΟ 139 Lot ΟΟ 728 Lot ΟΟ 729 Lot ΟΟ 730 Lot ΟΟ 652 Lot ΟΟ 731 ... 1st half of 5th B.C.