
[Agora Notebook Page] ΟΟ-7-48 (pp. 1284-1285)

Cut II; Kalikia Fill in Southwest Part of Section. Cut I; Red Fill with Burning. Cut I; Lower Layer; Red Fill. Cut II; West of West Wall of Byzantine House IV; Upper Layer. Cut II; West of West Wall of ... ΟΟ-7 1284, 1285 ΟΟ 36 B 773 ΟΟ 37 B 774 ΟΟ 38 ST 384 ΟΟ 39 T 2345 ΟΟ 48 L 4182 ΟΟ 67 A 1210 ΟΟ 68 L 4184 ΟΟ 70 S 1233 ΟΟ 77 P 17748 ΟΟ 78 P 17749 ΟΟ 99 S 1239 ΟΟ 195 G 274 ΟΟ 196 SS 10069 ΟΟ 423 P 19081 ... Dark Age