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Watzinger, 1901, no. 19, p. 75
Vanderpool, McCredie, and Steinberg, 1962, no. 17, p. 35, pl. 20
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Petsas, 1963, XXV A 5, 6, p. 247, pl. 147:γ, ε
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Macridy, 1911, p. 198, fig. 10 on p. 200
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Drougou, 1991, pp. 77, 86, p. 126, p. 157
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Thompson, D.B. 1962. Three Centuries of Hellenistic Terracottas, II C, The Satyr Cistern Hesperia 31, pp. 224-262
Thompson, D.B. 1963a. The Terracotta Figurines of the Hellenistic Period (Troy Supplementary Monograph III), Princeton
Thompson, D.B. 1963b. Three Centuries of Hellenistic Terracottas, Part III, The Late Third Century B.C., Hesperia 32, pp. 276-292
Thompson, D.B. 1963c. Three Centuries of Hellenistic Terracottas, Part IV, The Early Second Century B.C., Hesperia 32, pp. 301-317
Thompson, D.B. 1965. Three Centuries of Hellenistic Terracottas: V The Mid-Second Century B.C., VI, Late Second Century B.C., Hesperia 34, pp. 34-71
Thompson, D.B. 1966a. Three Centuries of Hellenistic Terracottas, Part VII, The Early First Century B.C., Hesperia 35, pp. 1-19
Thompson, D.B. 1966b. Three Centuries of Hellenistic Terracottas: VII The Early First Century B.C., B. The Mask Cistern; VII The Late First Century B.C., Hesperia 35, pp. 252-267
Thompson, D.B. 1971. An Ancient Shopping Center: The Athenian Agora (AgoraPicBk 12), Princeton
Thompson, D.B. 1973. Ptolemaic Oinochoai and Portraits in Faience: Aspects of the Ruler Cult, Oxford
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Thompson, H.A. 1937. Buildings on the West Side of the Agora, Hesperia 6, pp. 1-226
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