[Agora Deposit] D 18:3: Bronze Casting Pit near Southeast Corner of Poros Building

Casting pit near SE corner of Poros Building, Room C 3. Combined with D 18:4 ... 1st c. B.C.-1st c. A.D.


[Agora Deposit] E 18:6: Herulian Destruction Debris

Roman Bath, Herulian destruction debris in A3. The high proportion of vessels for eating suggests that this was not the actual bath fill but was probably dumped in from the ruined houses higher on the ... Second half of 3rd and into 4th c. A.D.


[Agora Deposit] E 18:7: Well

Large tile-lined well in SW Bath, Room A4. The top had been sealed with ca. 1.30m of concrete, and the floor to carry the hypocaust columns of the room in Phase C had been carried over it. The well was ... Late 2nd-early 1st c. B.C.


[Agora Deposit] F 17:4: Cistern

Stucco-lined bottle-shaped cistern, with tunnel and subsidiary manhole, in SW Baths, Room Α 10. Homogeneous dumped fill, mostly of mold-made bowls and and molds for terracotta figurines. Sixteen stamped ... 225-190 B.C.