2012.48.0476 (Section ΩΔ 70)Acanthus and lotus capitals and roof tiles near place of finding in south crypt from north.  
2012.48.0521 (Section ΩΔ 115)Marble Pedestal; Pentelic.  
2012.48.0522 (Section ΩΔ 116)Capital in east foundation of Late Roman Building. From southwest. From northeast.  
2012.48.0523 (Section ΩΔ 117)Capital in east foundation of Late Roman Building. From southwest. Already cleared.  
2012.48.0524 (Section ΩΔ 118)Marble pedestal, now in north end of east cryptoporticus.  
2012.48.0525 (Section ΩΔ 119)Acanthus capital.  
2012.48.0526 (Section ΩΔ 120)Acanthus capital.  
2012.48.0527 (Section ΩΔ 121)Marble Pedestal. Now standing between north end of Odeion and /.../ west side.