"Chronology","Icon","Name","Collection","Type","Title","UserLevel","Id","Date" "","Agora:NotebookPage:Ω-7-44::/Agora/Notebooks/Ω/Ω 007/Ω 007 044 (1279-1280).jpg::2048::1695","Ω-7-44 (pp. 1279-1280)","Agora","NotebookPage","Dove Figurine Fragment; Lamp; Bone Pin","","Agora:NotebookPage:Ω-7-44","10 Jun 1938" "6th A.D.","Agora:NotebookPage:Ω-8-29::/Agora/Notebooks/Ω/Ω 008/Ω 008 029 (1449-1450).jpg::2048::1714","Ω-8-29 (pp. 1449-1450)","Agora","NotebookPage","Late Roman Building C at North; Rooms 5 and 6; Red Destruction Fill; Western Half; Late Roman Building C at North; Rooms 5 and 6; Red Destruction Fill; Western Half; Fill on Floor; Late Roman Building C at North; Rooms 5 and 6; Red Destruction Fill; Central Sections; Late Roman Building C at North; Rooms 5 and 6; Destruction Debris; East Half","","Agora:NotebookPage:Ω-8-29","6-9 May 1938; 10-11 Jun 1938; 17-23 May 1938; 4-10 Jun 1938"