[Agora Publication] Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens

American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... Hesperia 30 10.2307_147039 10.2307_147040 10.2307_147041 10.2307_147042 10.2307_147043 10.2307_147044 10.2307_147045 10.2307_147046 10.2307_147204 10.2307_147205 10.2307_147206 10.2307_147207 10.2307_147208 ... 1961


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 136, p. 122

Brann F 71. Brann F 32. Brann G 17. Brann N 8. Brann G 18. Brann N 6. Brann F 30. Brann N 10. Brann F 29. Brann G 11. Brann F 25. Brann G 27. Brann F 11. Brann F 26. Brann G 30. Brann F 24. Brann G 32 ... Agora 8 122 P 22700 P 23431 P 23672 P 22701 P 23432 P 23673 P 22702 P 23433 P 23674 P 22703 P 23434 P 23675 P 22704 P 23435 P 23774 P 22705 P 23436 P 23793 P 22706 P 23437 P 23794 P 22707 P 23438 P 23795 ...

[Agora Deposit] Q 8:9: Well

Geometric Well under Rubble Wall of Predecessor. Classical pit above a Geometric well with a small amount of pottery from the late 6th to the middle of the 4th c. B.C. Estimated Grid ... Late 8th century B.C.


[Agora Image] 2012.55.1152 (81-348)

Tall-necked banded/decorated oinochoai ... AMS Horizontal (normal)