
[Agora Publication] Hellenistic Relief Molds from the Athenian Agora

Grandjouan, Clairève Markson, Eileen Rotroff, Susan I ... American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... Over 100 clay molds found between 1931 and 1977 in the fills within the three great Hellenistic stoas that once lined the Agora (the Middle Stoa, the Stoa of Attalos, and the South Stoa) are published ... 1989

[Agora Deposit] J 12:2: Well

Empty to 4.00m. From there to 9.20m. much coarse pottery, stucco fragments, animal bones, lead defixiones. ... The presence of fragments of stelae and architectural members near bottom point to dumped ... Late 2nd-early 3rd c. A.D.