Agora 5, s. 9, p. ixThe Athenian Agora; Volume 5; Pottery of the Roman Period; Chronology; List of Plates  
Agora 5, s. 10, p. x   
Agora 5, s. 11, p. xiThe Athenian Agora; Volume 5; Pottery of the Roman Period; Chronology; Abbreviations and Bibliography
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The Athenian Agora, Results of Excavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Vol. II, Margaret Thompson, Coins from the Roman through the Venetian Period, Princeton, 1954
The Athenian Agora, Results of Excavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Vol. IV, Richard H. Howland, Greek Lamps and their Survivals, Princeton, 1958
The Athenian Agora, Results of Excavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Vol. VI, Clairève Grandjouan, Terracottas of the Roman Period, in preparation
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Gerald M. Fitzgerald, Beth-Shan Excavations 1921-1923, The Arab and Byzantine Levels, Philadelphia, 1931
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Corinth, vol. IV, ii
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Robert J. Charleston, Roman Pottery, London, Faber and Faber, 1955
George H. Chase, Catalogue of Arretine Pottery, New York, 1908, Boston, 1916
George H. Chase, The Loeb Collection of Arretine Pottery, New York, 1908, Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum
Howard Comfort, De Collectione-vasculorum arretinorum-, Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome, VII, 1929, pp. 177-219
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Howard Comfort, Supplementary Sigillata Signatures in the Near East, Journal of the American Oriental Society, LVIII, 1938, pp. 30-60
Agora 5, s. 12, p. xiiHoward Comfort, art. Terra Sigillata in Pauly-Wissowa, R.E. suppl. VII (1940), cols. 1295-1352
Howard Comfort and Frederick O. Waagé, Selected Pottery from Beth-Shan, Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement, 1936, pp. 221-224
Corinth, Results of Excavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Vol. IV, ii, Oscar Broneer, Terracotta Lamps, Cambridge, Mass., 1934
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Corinth, vol. XII
John Day, An Economic History of Athens under Roman Domination, New York, 1942
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Athenian Agora, vol. VI
Siegfried Loeschcke, Keramische Funde in Haltern, Altertums-Kommision für Westfalen, Mittheilungen, V, 1909, pp. 101-322
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Agora 5, s. 13, p. xiiiMabel Lang, Dated Jars of Early Imperial Times, Hesperia, XXIV, 1955, pp. 277-285
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Felix Oswald and T. Davies Pryce, An Introduction to the Study of Terra Sigillata, London, 1920
August Oxè, Terra Sigillata aus dem Kerameikos, Ath. Mitt., LII, 1927, pp. 213-224
August Oxè, Arretinische Beliefgefässe vom Rhein (Materialien zur römischer-manischen keramik, vol. V, Franfurt a.M., 1933
Alexander Bonze, Altertümer von Pergamon, Band I, 2, Stadt und Landschaft, Berlin, 1913
Athenian Agora, vol. VIII
Athenian Agora, vol. VII, cahpter on Plastic Lamps
G. Horsfield and A. Horsfield, Sela-Petra, the Rock, of Edom and Nabatene. IV, The Finds, Q.D.A.P., IX, 1941, pp. 105-204
Gladys R. Davidson and Dorothy B. Thompson, Small Objects from the Pnyx, I, Hesperia, Suppl. VII, 1943
Lucy Talcott, Barbara Philippaki, G. Roger Edwards and Virginia R. Grace, Small Objects from the Pnyx, II, Hesperia Suppl. X), 1956
Theodore Wiegand and Hans Schrader, Priene, Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen in den Jahren 1895-1898, Berlin, 1904
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George A. Reisner, Clarence S. Fisher and David G. Lyon, Harvard Excavations at Samaria, 1908-1910, 2 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1924
Werner Technau, Griechische Keramik im samischen Heraion, Ath. Mitt., LIV, 1929, pp. 6-64
Richard Eilmann, Frühe griechische Keramik im samischen Heraion, Ath. Mitt., LVIII, 1933, pp. 47-145
William H. Buckler and David M. Robinson, Sardis, Publication of the American Society for the Excavation of Sardis, VII, Greek and Latin Inscriptions, Part I, Leyden, 1932
Johannes Boehlau, Griechische Altertümer südrussischen Fundorts aus dem Besitze des Herrn A. Vogel, Karlsruhe, Versteigerung zu Kassel durch M. Cramer, 26-30 mai, 1908
Joannes N. Svoronos, Trésor de la numismatique grecque ancienne, les monnaies d'Athènes, Munich, 1923-1926
Hetty Goldman, ed., Excavations at Gözlü Kule, Tarsus, I, The Hellenistic and Roman Periods, princeton, 1950, especially Chap. VI, The Pottery, by Frances F. Jones
Agora 5, s. 14, p. xivAthenian Agora, vol. II
Homer A. Thompson, Two Centuries of Hellenistic Pottery, Hesperia, III, 1934, pp. 311-480
Siegfried Loeschcke, Sigillata-Töpfereien in Tschandarli, Ath. Mitt., XXXVII, 1912, pp. 344-407
Hans Dragendorff and Carl Watzinger, Arretinische Reliefkeramik mit Beschreibung der Sammlung in Tübingen, Reutlingen, 1948
Frederick O. Waagé, The Roman and Byzantine Pottery, Hesperia, II, 1933, pp. 279-328
Henry B. Walters, Catalogue of the Greek and Roman Lamps in the British Museum, London, 1914
Henry B. Walters, Catalogue of the Roman Pottery in the Departments of Antiquities, British Museum, London, 1908
Agora 5, s. 15, p. 1The Athenian Agora; Volume 5; Pottery of the Roman Period; Chronology; Introduction
Antioch, I
Antioch, IV, 1
Tarsus, I
Oxé, Kerameikos
Kübler, Kerameikos
Waagé, Agora
Iliffe, Stamps I and Stamps II
Thompson, Coins
Hesperia, 5, 1936, pp. 285-332
Harwood, Hesperia, 2, 1933, pp. 231-278
Agora 5, s. 16, p. 2Thompson, H.P.
Hesperia 25, 1956, pp. 53-57, pls. 14-15
Plutarch, Sulla, xiv
Appian, Mithridates, xxxviii