[Agora Deposit] O 17:2: Dealer's Dump at 10/Θ

Dealer's Dump at 10/Θ. Debris filling beneath a modern house floor, apparently from the shop of an antiquities' dealer; otherwise unrelated to the Agora area. Compare similar dumps, K 14:1 and N 10:1 ... Modern context


[Agora Deposit] G 6:3: Rectangular Rock-Cut Shaft

A cave-in not long after the digging of this shaft destroyed its possible usefulness as a well and thereafter it was used as a dump. Two principle periods of such use were noted, and within these several ... Ca. 575-480 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] H 8-10: Fillings

Investigations in the Hellenistic Metroon, various levels. Stoa Pits A, B, C, D, E, F, H and I (various layers). Locations include: SW corner of Primitive Bouleuterion; from contemporary filling alongside ... 8th-6th c. B.C.