
[Agora Object] P 5727: Bowl Fragment with Maker's Stamp

Ring foot. Stamp in center of floor: Fine pink clay; orange-red glaze. Cf. Iliffe I (1936), p. 29. Western Sigillata Ware. Cistern, late mixed fill. Leica, 93-43-23 PD 1171-185, PD 1172-7 ... 21 May 1935


[Agora Object] SS 6168: Stamped Amphora: Knidian

Almost the whole amphora preserved; part of rim preserved; made up from sherds; nearly complete. The second handle is SS 6169. Retrograde, with many letters inverted or reversed. Cxt: dep 59(VG)* Dim: ... 22 May 1936

[Agora Object] SS 6169: Stamped Amphora Handle: Knidian

Curve fragment; made up into whole pot with SS 6168. Retrograde, with many letters inverted or reversed. Msc: SS 06168 has been made into a pot w/ SS 06169 which has the duoviri* Well Η, level of change ... 22 May 1936