[Agora Deposit] E 15:1: Well A

Well shaft cut through a cistern channel which was then packed with three amphorae (P 3123, P 3125, P 4201) of 1st or at latest early 2nd c. A.D. (These three amphorae could be considered with F 15:2) ... 3rd-4th c. A.D.

[Agora Deposit] F 11:1: Well

Well cut through the floor of a cistern. Apparently a dumped fill in an unused well. Coins: 16 March 1934 #15 (illegible) 17 March 1934 #2 19 March 1934 #1-#4 20 March 1934 #1-#3 22 March 1934 #1 23 March ... 1st-early 2nd c. A.D.

[Agora Deposit] F 15:1: Well

Coins: 26 April 1932 #1 27 April 1932 #1-#2 Only the pottery from last 1.00m of fill retained. Finds recorded in both Δ and Δ'. See Δ nbp. 114 for division of Δ into two parts, northern (Δ) and southern ... 4th c. A.D.

[Agora Deposit] F 19:1: Stratified well

Roman Group L. Layer I (cont. 59-64) Pre-Herulian second half of 3rd c. (bottom, 15.95-13.90). Layer II (cont. 42-58) 4th c.-first quarter of 4th c. (11.90-13.90). Layer III (cont. 17-41) -4th c. (10.00 ... Second half 3rd c.-early 5th c. A.D.

[Agora Deposit] G 11:1: Cistern Chamber III

Cistern system West of Bouleuterion: (see also B: cistern system to West of Tholos). Third Chamber from North. A well was dug through the bottom in Byz. times. Cf. deposit F 9:2. Coins: 3 May 1934 #1 ... 160-140 B.C., with Byz. disturbance Early 3rd to late 2nd c. B.C. POU

[Agora Deposit] G 11:2: Well in Cistern to West of Tholos

May be of Hellenistic origin when cistern system went out of use. For a general note on the cistern see Nb. ΟΕ III, pp. 246 ff. Objects from B 586 various depths (no subdivision): S 2324-S 2330, P 34894, ... Late 2nd-early 6th c. A.D.

[Agora Deposit] I 16:1: Well

Homer A. Thompson ... Well at the northwest foot of the Areopagus. Use filling of the Roman period. After the abandonment of the well and the collapse of the well-curb, the upper 2m of the shaft were filled with a dump apparently ... 1st-3rd c. A.D., 5th century


[Agora Publication] Pottery of the Roman Period: Chronology

Robinson, H. S ... American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... A group of closed deposits, ranging in date from the 1st century B.C. to the early 7th century A.D., provide evidence for the relative and absolute chronology of pottery used during many centuries of Roman ... 1959