[Agora Object] SS 6711: Stamped Amphora Handle: Knidian

Amphora. Late Knidian. Cistern. amphora [Κ]λ̣ευ | πί | θευς̣ Leica ... 2 February 1937 ... Stamped Amphora Handle: Knidian

[Agora Object] SS 13763: Stamped Amphora Handle: Thasian

Amphora. Martyr; layer under foundation blocks: to intermediate strosis. Ἑκα amphora ταίου Leica ... 19 May 1954 ... Amphora ... Ἑκα amphora ταίου


[Agora Object] SS 13538: Stamped Amphora Handle: Thasian

Amphora. Hellenistic fill. Σάτυρος vaseVIII Θασίων Leica ... 10 April 1954 ... Stamped Amphora Handle: Thasian

[Agora Object] SS 8198: Stamped Amphora Handle: Knidian

Amphora. Klepsydra antechamber; loose fill over strosis beneath concrete at north end. [ Ἀριστομήδευς] [Μάρων Κνίδιον] Εὐκράτης amphora Πολύχαρμος horizontal r. (Σ lunate, Ω cursive) Leica ... 13 June 1938 ... Amphora ... [ Ἀριστομήδευς] [Μάρων Κνίδιον] Εὐκράτης amphora Πολύχαρμος horizontal r. (Σ

[Agora Object] PNM 80: Lead Weight

Square; amphora in relief on upper surface (with mostly obliterated letters in corners). Deep dent in right shoulder of amphora. Check bibliography. Wall Trench, WT 170. 1412 ... 26 July 1937 ... Square; amphora in relief on upper surface (with ... shoulder of amphora.


[Agora Object] SS 7575: Stamped Amphora Handle: Thasian

Amphora. Finished Modern. Θα[σίων] vaseII, tip r. Χοῖρος Leica ... 21 May 1937 ... Amphoras | Thasian

[Agora Object] P 8373: Vessel Fragment

Vertical band handle from an amphora or oinochoe, more probably from an amphora. On the outer face, double modified line maeander. From tin. Protoattic pit. Leica, 7-518 ... March-April 1936 ... Vertical band handle from an amphora or oinochoe, ... amphora. On the outer face,

[Agora Object] P 18231: Ostrakon

Fragment of plain amphora. Incised outside: Red clay. Ostrakon area. 5220 Leica ... April-June 1947 ... Fragment of plain amphora. Incised outside: Red clay.