[Agora Deposit] M 20:3: Well

Well at 69/ΟΒ (Late 5th c.) Lower fill dated to 420-400 B.C. in Agora XXX. There were no use filling and the well was apparently not a success as a water-supply: there was no concentration of water-jars ... 420-400 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] Q 15:2: Well to the North of Nymphaeum

Well to N of Nymphaeum at 115/ΙΣΤ. A good water supply but no evidence for a period of use. Exceptionally heavy dumped filling, including much fine tableware, many wine- jar fragments and other objects ... Ca. 420-400 B.C.


[Agora Deposit] H 12:6: Rubbish Dump

Rubbish Dump in mouth of abandoned well in Tholos Trench F, Kitchen. Filled with ash, charcoal, broken pottery, roof tiles. Also from Trench L. 13 March 2014 by Ann Steiner The deposit has four components ... Ca. 425-400 B.C.