 G 6:3.1Rectangular Rock-Cut Shaft Upper fill Ca. 510-480 B.C. 
 N 20:4Mask Cistern1 February 1938 3-17 March 1938Late 2nd c. and early 1st c. B.C. POU; 110-75 B.C. 
 N 20:5Roman Well at 74/IMarch-April 19381st c. to 3d c. A.D. 
 O 19:4Well at 55/ΚΕ1 April 1938 18 April-6 May 1938 17-19 May 1938Last quarter of 5th c. B.C. 
 O 19:5Well at 56/ΚΖ16 April-16 May 1938 16-17 May 1938Second half of 2nd c. - early 3rd c. A.D. 
 O 20:1Cistern at 63/ΛΑ13-25 May 1938300-195 B.C. 
 O 20:2Cistern at 70/ΛΣΤ4-12 May 1938 16-18 May 1938Second half of 3rd c. - Early 2nd c. B.C. 
 O 20:3Well at 67/ΛΓ25 May-9 June 1938300-250 B.C.