Agora Deposit: G 13:10
Title:   Filling over and behind Blocks of East Wall of Great Drain
Category:   Fill
Description:   Filling over and behind blocks of E. wall of Great Drain at 10-15/Α-Γ.
Contents:   Coins:
10 May 1954 #1-#2
Chronology:   3rd c. B.C.
Date:   10-11 May 1954
Section:   Ζ
Grid:   Ζ:10-15/Α-Γ
References:   Object: P 24014
Object: T 3370
Lot: Ζ 853
Notebook: Ζ-18
Notebook Page: Ζ-18-8 (pp. 3325-3326)
Notebook Page: Ζ-18-12 (pp. 3333-3334)