Agora Image: 2003.06.0143Rooms 1 and 4 and wall spur, shown by arrow; Room 1 is to north (left) and Room 4 is south (right) of wall spur. [After basket 25; Before basket 27]
Archive Number:   2003.06.0143
Title:   Rooms 1 and 4 and wall spur, shown by arrow; Room 1 is to north (left) and Room 4 is south (right) of wall spur. [After basket 25; Before basket 27]
Looking:   northeast
Photographer:   Mike Laughy
Date:   7 Jul 2003
Rating:   1
Section:   ΒΖ
Elevation:   53.742 - 52.742m.
Masl:   52.742-53.742m.