Agora Image: 2012.46.0619 (Section Τ 191)Rooms of Late Roman building. Two joining photos looking north. 1 is Room 1. 2 is Room 2. 3 is part of Room 3. 4 is loose stones containing line of wall to south. 5 is jog in west wall. 6 is Great Drain. 7 is modern well at 42-43/ΙΑ with some of curbing still standing. 8 is break between Rooms 1 and 2.
Archive Number:   2012.46.0619
Title:   Rooms of Late Roman building. Two joining photos looking north. 1 is Room 1. 2 is Room 2. 3 is part of Room 3. 4 is loose stones containing line of wall to south. 5 is jog in west wall. 6 is Great Drain. 7 is modern well at 42-43/ΙΑ with some of curbing still standing. 8 is break between Rooms 1 and 2.
Negative:   Section Τ 191
Rating:   2
Section:   Τ