Agora Image: 2012.51.0008 (XV-94)Early wall beneath the 'Augustan road' at the west edge of the section. For the appellation 'Augustan road' cf. nb. pp. 686-692, 1289-1291, see also Hesperia 42 (1973), fig. 3, p. 370 for map of the same road.
Archive Number:   2012.51.0008
Title:   Early wall beneath the 'Augustan road' at the west edge of the section. For the appellation 'Augustan road' cf. nb. pp. 686-692, 1289-1291, see also Hesperia 42 (1973), fig. 3, p. 370 for map of the same road.
Negative:   XV-94
Looking:   north
Date:   15 Mar 1939
Notebook Page:   1076
Rating:   2
Section:   ΜΜ
Storage:   Drawer 1
References:   Image: 1997.01.0307 (XV-94)
Notebook: ΜΜ-6
Notebook Page: ΜΜ-6-43 (pp. 1075-1076)