Agora Object: Agora XII, no. 737
Chronology:   Ca. 480 B.C.
Deposit:   H 12:15-POU
Published Number:   AV 12.737
References:   Object: P 23192
Torus ring foot; horseshoe handle, glazed outside. Wall has slight double curve; rim rounded on top, glazed. Inside, reserved central disc with two glazed circles and dot; outside, glazed band, inner face of foot, underside with two circles and dot.

Others similar: P 8820 E 14:5; P 20775-6 R 12:1; P 24619-20 Q 12:3. Other published banded one-handlers from the Agora belonging to the archaic period are P 1294 G 6:3-U Hesperia, XV, 1946, pl. 66, 293 and P 1385 ibid., pl. 64, 252.