Agora Object: P 22114
Inventory Number:   P 22114
Section Number:   Ν 767
Title:   Lid Fragment with Rouletting
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Several joining and non-joining fragments mending to three, preserve about half the lid, lacking center portion and handle(?). Restored without handle. A domed lid with projecting horizontal rim; underneath, a vertical flange. A raised ridge at inner edge of rim, and another 0.01m. higher up. Rouletting on rim and below the upper ridge.
Fine hard reddish clay. Good semi-lustrous orange-red glaze on top surface only.
African Red Slip Ware.
Context:   Second triangle, layer I south, red fill.
Notebook Page:   1612, 1880
Negatives:   Leica
PD Number:   PD 3083-56, DA 9999
Dimensions:   P.H. 0.028; Est. Diam. (rim) 0.16
Chronology:   2nd. c. A.D.
Date:   10 March 1952
Section:   Ν
Deposit:   K 9-10:1
Period:   Roman
Bibliography:   Hayes (1972), no. 3, p. 45.
    Agora XXXII, no. 957, fig. 30.
References:   Publication: Agora XXXII
Drawing: PD 3083-52; PD 3083-53; PD 3083-54; PD 3083-55; PD 3083-56; PD 3083-57; PD 3083-58; PD 3083-59; PD 3083-60; PD 3083-61; PD 3083-62; PD 3083-63; PD 3083-64; PD 3083-65; PD 3083-66; PD 3083-67; PD 3083-68; PD 3083-69; PD 3083-70; PD 3083-71; PD 3083-72; PD 3083-73; PD 3083-74; PD 3083-75; PD 3083-76; PD 3083-77; PD 3083-77; PD 3083-79 (DA 9999)
Deposit: K 9-10:1
Notebook: Ν-9
Notebook: Ν-10
Notebook Page: Ν-9-10 (pp. 1611-1612)
Notebook Page: Ν-9-78 (pp. 1747-1748)
Notebook Page: Ν-10-46 (pp. 1881-1882)
Card: P 22114