Agora Object: P 26625
Inventory Number:   P 26625
Section Number:   ΕΛ 230
Title:   Skyphos: Corinthian Type
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Much of rim and wall including both handles missing. Restored in plaster. Low ring foot; plain lip. Reserved line on wall. Underside reserved with two circles and dot.
Black glaze fired mainly red.
Context:   Soft yellow poros foundation; fill north of west end, among stones.
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   H. ca. 0.10
Date:   13 July 1959
Section:   ΕΛ
Elevation:   -6.6--6.6m.
Deposit:   U 19:2
Lot:   Lot ΕΛ 49
Period:   Greek
Bibliography:   Agora XXXI, p. 177, CPD 58A.
References:   Publication: Agora XXXI
Publication Page: Agora 31, s. 200, p. 177
Deposit: U 19:2
Card: P 26625