Agora Object: P 34536
Inventory Number:   P 34536
Section Number:   ΒΓ 2086
Title:   Goblet Fragment: Gray Minyan
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Fragment preserves portion of hollow base.
Wheelmade. Resting surface articulated by incised line on underside.
Fabric fired gray 10 YR 6/1-5/1.
Context:   Royal Stoa Building Fill, S. End. Layer C=Layer 6, lower building fill. Possible contents of Tomb I 5:2bis.
Notebook Page:   3057
PD Number:   DA 12707
Dimensions:   P.H. 0.026; Est. Diam. (base) 0.120
Material:   Ceramic
Date:   16 July 1973
Section:   ΒΓ
Deposit:   I 4-5:1
Lot:   Lot ΒΓ 531
Period:   Greek
Bibliography:   Hesperia 87 (2018), no. 27, p. 263, fig. 17.
References:   Publication: Hesperia 87 (2018)
Drawing: DA 12707
Image: 2008.05.0114
Image: 2008.05.0115
Image: 2016.05.0575
Deposit: I 4-5:1
Card: P 34536