Agora Object: P 9565
Inventory Number:   P 9565
Section Number:   ΛΛ 526
Title:   Bowl with Paint Decoration
Category:   Pottery
Description:   a) Preserves complete profile.
b) and d) Rim fragments.
c) Fragment of foot.
Restored in plaster. A flaring bowl with ring foot and sharply defined almost vertical rim. On a white ground, a rinceau pattern in green, outlined in black. Around the inside of the rim, black and green spirals. Thin colorles glaze over all the interior. Thin white slip over all the exterior, thicker around the rim.
Red clay.
Context:   Cistern. Burned layer.
Negatives:   Leica, 7-416
PD Number:   PD 481
Dimensions:   Est. Diam. a) 0.28; H. a) 0.109; Max. Dim. d) 0.033, b) 0.15, c) 0.099
Date:   17 March 1937
Section:   ΛΛ
Grid:   ΛΛ:87/ΛΕ
Elevation:   -5.00 to -6.00m.
Masl:   -6--5m.
Deposit:   E 5:3
Period:   Byzantine
Bibliography:   Hesperia 7 (1938), no. A 18, p. 442, figs. 5, 32.
References:   Publication: Hesperia 7 (1938)
Drawing: PD 481 (DA 11782)
Drawing: PD 483 (DA 6536)
Image: 2012.26.0148 (7-416)
Deposit: E 5:3
Notebook: ΛΛ-2
Notebook: ΛΛ-4
Notebook Page: ΛΛ-2-78 (pp. 346-347)
Notebook Page: ΛΛ-4-28 (pp. 645-646)
Card: P 9565
Card: P 9565