Agora Object: PNP 43
Inventory Number:   PNP 43
Title:   Red Figure Amphora Fragment (?)
Description:   Upper part of a woman to left, she wears a chiton and himation; her right hand is raised to her breast. Her hair is worn tied into a small bag at her shoulders, and is held around her head by a white fillet with two pointed leaves at the front. Behind her in the field, the corner of a wool basket; above it, part of reserved band.
No relief contour.
ca. 470.
Context:   Trench H.
Notebook Page:   307
Dimensions:   P.H. 0.046; P.W. 0.05
Date:   25 January 1931
Elevation:   0.50-1m
Bibliography:   Hesperia Suppl. 10 (1956), p. 28, no. 103, pl. 8.
References:   Publication: Hesperia Suppl. 10 (1956)
Card: PNP 43