Agora Object: PNT 115
Inventory Number:   PNT 115
Title:   Male Statuette (Head And Right Leg)
Description:   The head is broken off at the shoulder. The leg is preserved from a little above the base to the ankle.
The hair was indicated by deep dabs of a dull paint used after the modeling. With the same tool the lines of the drapery were work on the leg. The intended facial expression was somewhat changed by the sides of the cheeks being pinched in, probably while the head was being attached to the torso. The drapery lines on the leg suggest a light tracing. The knee was slightly flexed and the thigh resting on something of which a little still remains on the underside. The head was joined by random cuts while the clay was still soft.
From the trousered leg, an Asiatic type possibly Atthis must have been represented.
Clay: Buff, rather coarse. On face and neck traces of white paint; on the hair of reddish purple. The clay shows no sign of paint.
Context:   Assembly place, filling of Period III, from close behind the Great Wall.
Dimensions:   P.H. (head) 0.085, (leg) 0.085
Chronology:   Early second century A.D.
Date:   20 December 1930
Bibliography:   Hesperia Suppl. 7 (1943), no. 59, p. 146, fig. 60.
References:   Publication: Hesperia Suppl. 7 (1943)
Card: PNT 115
Card: PNT 115