"UserLevel","Id","Icon","Collection","dc-subject","dc-description","dc-publisher","Type","dc-title","dc-date","Name","Redirect","Chronology","dc-creator" "","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-29.1-392","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-29.1-392::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 029.1/Agora 029.1 392 (353).png::1528::2048","Agora","","Agora 29","","PublicationPage","Rostovtzeff, 1941, p. 162, pl. XX","","Agora 29.1, s. 392, p. 353","","275-250 B.C.; 110-90 B.C.; 250 B.C.; 250-225 B.C.; 275-265 B.C.; 225-200 B.C.; Late 3rd-early 2nd B.C.","" "","Agora:Object:Agora XXIX:1153","","Agora","Hellenistic Pottery and Wheelmade Table Ware | Vessels For Oil | Guttus | Hellenistic Type | With Lion-Head Spout","Part of lower body and flange restored.; ; Flaring ring foot; slightly beveled resting surface. Underside pierced with central tube communicating with interior of vase. Two scraped grooves on shoulder delimiting lower edge of decorated zone; rouletting below grooves. Scraped groove below offset at base of neck; groove and offsets at top, below flange. Closed top with pointed finial above wide flange, offset and scraped groove at base.; ; Lion-head spout at about 60 degrees to left of handle. Upper shoulder bears five alternating panels of incised checkerboards and concentric rectangles; incised union jack in panel between spout and handle.; ; White in panels of checkerboard and quartered rectangle. Metallic black glaze.; ; Cf. Maffre 1971, no. 43, pp. 694--696, fig. 51. For other instances of incision for these patterns see 835.","","Object","","","Agora XXIX, no. 1153","","225-200",""