"Name","dc-publisher","dc-title","dc-description","UserLevel","dc-date","dc-subject","Type","Collection","dc-creator","Icon","Redirect","Chronology","Id" "Q 17:9","","Manhole South of Well G","Manhole-square pit providing access to aqueduct; the dumped filling includes many fragments of coarse pottery, including 5 stamped amphora handles.","","28 April-3 June 1959","","Deposit","Agora","","","","Late 2nd-1st c. B.C.","Agora:Deposit:Q 17:9" "C 10:1","","Manhole, Channel Mouth 1","Water channel in north part of section, giving access to water system. Channel Mouth 1.","","18-19 February 1936","","Deposit","Agora","","","","Late 2nd century-Early 1st c. B.C.","Agora:Deposit:C 10:1" "H 6:4","","Bronze Head Well","A well behind the Stoa of Zeus. Noted as the finding place of the bronze head of Nike, B 30.; ; Two Rhodian stamped amphora handles. Fragments of only two bowls.","","16 February-2 March 1932","","Deposit","Agora","","","","260-210 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:H 6:4" "D 10:3","","Channel Mouth 3","Water channel in north part of section.","","19-21 February 1936","","Deposit","Agora","","","","Second half of 3rd c.-Early third quarter of 2nd c.","Agora:Deposit:D 10:3" "I 16:5","","Cistern","Cistern at 79/Γ (= 80/Δ) on lower north slope of the Areopagus. Filling of 2nd c. B.C. with some later intrusions (Turkish pottery indicates disturbance).; ; Single Knidian stamped amphora handle dates around 108.","","16 May 1932","","Deposit","Agora","","","","Hellenistic-Turkish","Agora:Deposit:I 16:5" "E 10:1","","Manhole, Channel Mouth 4","Water channel in north part of Section: Channel Mouth 4.","","21-24 February 1936","","Deposit","Agora","","","","120-86 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:E 10:1" "K 7:1","","Hellenistic Fill","Hellenistic fill, north of Temple of Ares, on either side of wall running east-west over 50/ΙΓ. Mostly coarse pottery including many stamped amphora handles.; Cf. also nb. P XII, pp. 2297-2298.","","13-14 June 1935; 6 July 1951","","Deposit","Agora","","","","275-200 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:K 7:1" "M 18:10","","Well","Well at 66/ΛΖ. Homogeneous fill.; ; 14 stamped amphora handles. Rhodian and Knidian handles find parallels in Middle Stoa building fill. Type 27 D lamp agrees with this date. Fragments of 50 bowls and one mold.","","May-July 1957","","Deposit","Agora","","","","225-175 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:M 18:10" "B 18:12","","Well","Diameter 0.83m. Water level -4.20m. Tiled well; height of tiles 0.60m. Heavy deposit of pottery throughout; stamped amphora handles, five Knidian; one Rhodian; one Parian. Semi-coarse stamnos; funnel-mouthed lamp.","","12-13 May 1947; 7-11 July 1947","","Deposit","Agora","","","","Ca. 120 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:B 18:12" "O 17:6","","Phaidon Street Cistern: South Chamber","Phaidon Street Cistern: South Chamber.; Connected by tunnel to O 17:5.; ; Knidian stamped amphora handle; fragments of five long-petal bowls, one made in worn mold. Type 35 A lamp.","","August 1957","","Deposit","Agora","","Agora:Image:1997.17.0284::/Agora/1997/1997.17/1997.17.0284.tif::954::1246","","Late 2nd c. B.C.","Agora:Deposit:O 17:6" "L 17:7","","Aischines Street Cistern: South Chamber","Date of filling early third c. B.C.; Little pottery. Seven stamped amphora handles. Latest coin dates in first third of 3rd c. One small fragment of moldmade bowl of undetermined type.","","August 1957","","Deposit","Agora","","Agora:Image:1997.17.0191::/Agora/1997/1997.17/1997.17.0191.tif::913::722","","310-220 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:L 17:7" "E 15:4","","Drawshaft","Cistern shaft southeast foot of Kolonos Agoraios. Unstratified fill.; Ten stamped amphora handles; Type 34A lamp; many fragments of long-petal b suggesting material deposited ca. 140 or later. Cf. Pireus cistern for occurrence of long-petal bowls with amphora handles of early second quarter of 2nd c. owls,","","26-28 June 1935; 26-29 May 1936","","Deposit","Agora","","","","Ca. 200-125 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:E 15:4" "Q 8-9:1","","Filling over Floor of Square Peristyle","Filling over Floor of Square Peristyle (beneath Stoa).; 122 stamped amphora handles. Many parallels with handles from cistern M 21:1. Latest coin dates ca. 200. latest lamp types 33 A and 34 A. Fragment of long-petal bowl probably intrusive, possibly from building fill of Stoa of Attalos.","","1949, 1950","","Deposit","Agora","","","","200 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:Q 8-9:1" "N 19:1","","Cistern","Dumped filling of late 2nd c. B.C.; Roman Group F, dumped filling of second quarter to end of 1st c. B.C. on the lower northeast slope of the Areopagus.; Diameter at bottom -3.20m","","30 January-April 1937","","Deposit","Agora","","Agora:Image:2010.01.0191::/Agora/2010/2010.01/2010.01.0191.tif::3073::4302","","Second quarter to end of 1st c. B.C.","Agora:Deposit:N 19:1" "D 11:3","","Drawshaft","Shaft fill, not mouth fill, of drawshaft at 42/Θ. This is part of the cistern system 44/ΙΓ - 46/ΙΑ - 42/Θ.; ; Thirteen stamped amphora handles; fragments of Arretine pottery; over half of bowls long-petal.","","19-25 February 1936","","Deposit","Agora","","","","1st c. B.C.-early 1st c. A.D.","Agora:Deposit:D 11:3" "O 20:2","","Cistern at 70/ΛΣΤ","Cistern at 70/ΛΣΤ in the northeast slope of the Areopagus.; Part of system with two chambers and well. Homogeneous fill.; ; 13 stamped amphora handles. Latest lamp type 46 B.","","4-12 May 1938; 16-18 May 1938","","Deposit","Agora","","","","Second half of 3rd c. - Early 2nd c. B.C.","Agora:Deposit:O 20:2" "M-N 15:1","","South Stoa II: Building Fill","South Stoa II Construction Fill.; ; About 85 stamped amphora handles, many with parallels in building fills of Middle Stoa and Stoa of Attalos. Fragments of long-petal bowls confirm date after mid-2nd c. Types 25 A', 33 A, 35 B, and 44 A lamps. Most of bowls figured; one mold.","","","","Deposit","Agora","","","","To ca. 140 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:M-N 15:1" "O 20:1","","Cistern at 63/ΛΑ","Cistern at 63/ΛΑ (part of cistern system 63/ΛΑ-65/ΜΑ-70/ΛΣΤ, consisting of two chambers and a well). Roman upper fill with modern cesspool fill above. Channel finds: MC 517, SS 8078.; ; Only datable object a Rhodian stamped amphora handle (ca. 211).","","13-25 May 1938","","Deposit","Agora","","","","300-195 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:O 20:1" "M 23:1","","Cistern in NW Corner of Byzantine Building","Chamber of water system with one blind tunnel and two cisterns connected by tunnel. Pottery consistent throughout, late Hellenistic. Late 2nd c. B.C.; ; Ten stamped amphora handles. Most of bowls long-petal.","","3-12 May 1934; 8 June 1936; 26-28 June 1963","","Deposit","Agora","","","","100-75 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:M 23:1" "P-R 6-12","","Stoa Construction Fill","Stoa Construction Fills (n.b. for all Stoa and pre-Stoa fills later than construction filling of Square Peristyle see P-R 6-12); Over 100 stamped amphora handles in fill. No long-petal bowls, but one fragment in fill over floor of Square Peristyle, directly under fill of Stoa of Attalos and possibly intrude from it.","","September 1949","","Deposit","Agora","","","","Before ca. 150 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:P-R 6-12" "F 19:3","","Well","Unfinished well, all one fill; solid bedrock at a depth of -2.47m.; It contained masses of broken rooftiles and probably was used as a refuse pit after the sack of Athens by Sulla. ; ; Twenty-three stamped amphora handles; ""Pergamene"" ware; ""Samian"" ware and Pompeian-red ware must be intrusive; two-thirds of bowls long-petal.","","28 April-2 May 1939","","Deposit","Agora","","","","Early 1st c. B.C.","Agora:Deposit:F 19:3" "E 5:2","","Cistern in ΛΛ","Cistern connected by tunnel to another chamber filled in Byzantine period. Small Hellenistic deposit on floor. somewhat contaminated by Byzantine fill above; ; No stamped amphora handles later than 3rd c.; latest lamp type 45C; fragments of many bowls (ca. 40), similar to those in M 21:1 and P 21:4.","","12-26 February 1937","","Deposit","Agora","","","","250-190 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:E 5:2" "D 19:1","","Cistern in House H in ΝΝ","Well in the industrial area west of the Areopagus.; A flask-shaped cistern in House H with a dumped fill of the late fifth century brought from elsewhere and evidently deposited sometime in the 3rd c. B.C. Especially to be noted is the stamped Thasian amphora handle SS 9636, one of the earliest stamps recording names of officials.","","30 April-11 May 1940","","Deposit","Agora","","","","Ca. 420-400 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:D 19:1" "B 20:2","","Drawshaft","Filling in a cistern chamber in the area west of the Areopagus. Main dumped fill of 2nd. c. B.C., with small amount of later material in uppermost 1.00m. A connecting passage contained some material of the 4th. c. B.C.","","9-17 June 1939","","Deposit","Agora","","","","2nd. c. B.C.","Agora:Deposit:B 20:2" "H 16:4","","Pithos","Pithos ay the bottom of the north slope of the Areopagus with single fill; Part of Hellenistic Group D.; ; One stamped amphora handle dates slightly after 146. Latest coin dates in first two decades of 2nd c. many long-petal bowls indicate date somewhat after ca. 145 for closing of deposit.","","13-14 April 1932","","Deposit","Agora","","Agora:Image:1997.17.0246::/Agora/1997/1997.17/1997.17.0246.tif::710::1075","","160-130 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:H 16:4" "M 20:1","","Cistern","Cistern on lower northeast slope of the Areopagus.; Two Hellenistic fills with late Hellenistic to Roman fill above.; Use fill characterized by broken water jars (lower fill); contemporary dump (middle fill); nearly sterile layer (probably part of middle fill); Roman upper fill.; Sixty-eight stamped amphora handles. Middle fill contained fruit measure conforming to late 2nd c. decree.","","February 1937","","Deposit","Agora","","","","Early 1st c. B.C.","Agora:Deposit:M 20:1" "C 20:2","","Koukla Factory and Related Fills","In area West of the Areopagus. Fills with many figurines and molds, possibly from a terracotta factory.; ; Twelve stamped amphora handles; no long-petal bowls; Type 54 A lamp","","31 May-9 June 1939; 3 April 1947","","Deposit","Agora","","Agora:Image:2019.09.0035::/Agora/2019/2019.09/2019.09.0035.jpg::2500::1667","","Mostly 200-150 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:C 20:2" "N 18:3","","Cistern at 77/M","Cistern at 77/Μ on lower north slopes of the Areopagus. Bottom diameter of 2m connected by tunnel to cistern M-N 18:1.; ; Only stamped amphora handle dates slightly after 240. Latest coin dates about 200.","","22 February-5 April 1937","","Deposit","Agora","","Agora:Image:2005.01.0568::/Agora/2005/2005.01/2005.01.0568.tif::963::1170","","3rd c. B.C.-196/190 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:N 18:3" "O 17:7","","Cistern with Cesspool in Ψ","Cistern and drawshaft connected by tunnel; used in modern times as cesspool. No stratigraphy noted, but pottery from first five boxes excavated is later than that from boxes 6-18.; 11 stamped amphora handles. Bowls are from worn molds, of poor workmanship, probably dating in second quarter of 2nd c. Some fragments are of M Monogram Class. Upper part of fill contained fragments of long-petal bowls, ""Pergamene"" plate, Roman lamp, suggesting cistern remained open into third quarter of 2nd century and beyond.","","","","Deposit","Agora","","","","Hellenistic and Late Hellenistic","Agora:Deposit:O 17:7" "E 6:2","","West Chamber","Cistern System #3: West Chamber at 69/ΛΣΤ, joined by a crooked passage to 69/Λ. Under the southwest corner of the Hellenistic Building to the north of the Temple of Hephaistos. Upper fill of early 1st c.; ; E 6:2 (upper fill): Three Knidian amphora handles; type 51 C lamp; long-petal bowls.; E 6:1 and E 6:2 (lower fill): Joins between objects in both chambers and tunnel between them indicate fill the same. Twenty stamped amphora handles; long petal bowls; figured bowls with thick walls and small indistinct figures must date in second quarter of 2nd c.","","8-13 June 1936","","Deposit","Agora","","","","175-125 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:E 6:2" "G 13:4","","Well","Tiled well, ca. 30m south of the Tholos. Associated with Building D. Hellenistic Group A with Late Roman fill in upper 3.00m. Objects A 245 and P 4597 are from fill on floor around well-head, contemporary with upper fill but not in subdivision .1. ; ; Upper fill: Presence of moldmade relief bowls indicates date at least as late as last quarter of 3rd c. No coins or stamped amphora handles.; Lower fill: Close correspondence with pottery from Koroni indicate deposit closed in 260's. One Thasian amphora handle. No coins.","","13 March-4 April 1933","","Deposit","Agora","","","","325-260 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:G 13:4" "F 13:3","","Well 9","Well near southwest corner of market square; successive use fillings, and dumped filling.; Lower use filling, second half of 4th century B.C.; Main use filling, second quarter of 2nd century B.C. to shortly after the middle of the century.; Dumped filling, second half of 2nd century B.C.; ; Seventy-four stamped amphora handles; over half of bowls long-petal.","","10 April-31 May 1935","","Deposit","Agora","","","","","Agora:Deposit:F 13:3" "N 21:4","","Satyr Cistern","Cistern with two tunnels, the one entering its neck cut off by an early Roman well, the other, at the bottom not excavated. ; Chamber conical in shape, with a depressed draw basin in the center of the floor. No stratigraphy noted during excavation, but analysis of pottery suggests three fills, of which the lower two are potter's dumps. ; Subdivisions are based on containers at time of excavation.; ; Middle fill: Only stamped amphora handle comes from Late Corinthian jar of second half of 3rd c. Latest coins date 200-180. Two molds, stamp for manufacture of molds, and clay stacking ring suggest fill is dump from potter's establishment. all molds and fragments of bowls produced by Workshop of Bion. Cistern M 21:1, 20 meters to southwest, also contained molds and large quantity of bowls, mostly products of Workshop of Bion. N 21:4 and m 21:1 are probably contemporary dumps from this shop, which was located near by.; ; Lower fill: 13 stamped amphora handles. Latest coin dates in first third of 3rd c. Fragments of two bowls; one stacking ring (possibly from middle fill).","","5-17 May 1939","","Deposit","Agora","","","","Early Roman-3rd c. B.C.","Agora:Deposit:N 21:4" "F 17:4","","Cistern","Stucco-lined bottle-shaped cistern, with tunnel and subsidiary manhole, in SW Baths, Room Α 10. Homogeneous dumped fill, mostly of mold-made bowls and and molds for terracotta figurines. Sixteen stamped amphora handles; Type 45C lamp. Large number of bowls (ca. 40) resemble those in M 21:1 and P 21:4.","","13-23 May 1969","","Deposit","Agora","","Agora:Image:1997.18.0243::/Agora/1997/1997.18/1997.18.0243.tif::701::916","","225-190 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:F 17:4" "F 15:2","","Cistern","A cistern leading to the east of the road leading from the southwest corner of the market square. Filled all at one time, last quarter of 2nd. c. B.C. (nbp. 493).; ; Included are the Hellenistic finds from ""north cistern arm"" and ""south cistern arm"" as recorded from well 96/I: SS 2040, SS 2041, SS 2043, MC 73, I 1454, P 3143, P 3144. See Deposit E 15:7.; Thirteen Knidian stamped amphora handles.","","23 February-12 March 1934","","Deposit","Agora","","","","Late 2nd c. B.C.","Agora:Deposit:F 15:2" "N 20:4","","Mask Cistern","Dumped fillings thrown in during second quarter of 1st c. B.C. containing mostly debris resulting from Sulla's sack in 86 B.C.; Agora XXIX, p. 464: Four fills distinguished during excavations ... but seemingly with no chronological differentiation (p. 580).; Treated as one fill for data base.; ; Thirteen stamped amphora handles. Two thirds of bowls long-petal.","","1 February 1938; 3-17 March 1938","","Deposit","Agora","","","","Late 2nd c. and early 1st c. B.C. POU; 110-75 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:N 20:4" "N 20:7","","Cistern at 67/ΙΗ","At 67/ΙΗ, at the northeast slope of the Areopagus.; Cistern with drawshaft, 4.60m deep. The drawshaft had been cleared to bottom in the eighteenth or nineteenth century, and some of the fill in the main chamber removed. Upper fill, fill in drawshaft, and fill in connecting tunnel Turkish; some Turkish disturbance in lower fill.; ; Nine stamped amphora handles. Latest coin dates to 2nd or 1st c. Large numbers of bowls (49). No long-petal bowls.","","15 February-4 March 1938","","Deposit","Agora","","","","Most second half of 3rd c. B.C.","Agora:Deposit:N 20:7" "G 14:5","","Cistern: Southern chamber","Connected with G 14:3.; There was a layer of Late Roman fill. It rested over a layer of 2nd c. B.C Hellenistic and then another of 4th c. B.C Hellenistic; the passage between the two cisterns contained Hellenistic material. Therefore, it appears that this cistern had several periods of use: Hellenistic (at least one phase contemporary with the 2nd century B.C, phase of House E to the north), Late Roman (probably associated with the amphora and perhaps also maybe the platform and the drain), and finally Byzantine.; ; Only stamped amphora handle dates ca. 125. Half of bowls long-petal.","","15-22 April 1932","","Deposit","Agora","","","","Late Hellenistic","Agora:Deposit:G 14:5" "G 14:2","","Well","Tiled well near the SW corner of the market square between the Southwest Fountain House and the Great Drain, three fills noted: lower fill of earth and stones with a few fragments only of coarse pottery (none inventoried, containers 66-71); middle filling a heavy deposit primarily of table ware, apparently a gradual accumulation; upper supplementary fill. Although carefully constructed this shaft seems never to have served as a well but only as a rubbish dump for neighboring establishments. ; ; Finds from the Dump (no subdivision): MC 621, T 2177, IL 824; Depth uncertain (no subdivision): A 115; ; Upper fill: Two Knidian amphora handles. Most of bowls long-petal.; Middle fill: No coins or datable stamped amphora handles. Lamps indicate broad range of date. Long-petal bowls found at all depths, suggesting fill was dumped rather that accumulated over a period of time. Most of bowls long-petal.","","8-25 April 1932","","Deposit","Agora","","","","4th-2nd c. B.C.; 100-70 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:G 14:2" "L 19:2","","Cistern","A 3rd. c. B.C. cistern and an unfinished rectangular cutting of the 2nd c. B.C. which destroyed some of its upper part. These two features are combined in this deposit; the following objects are identified as from the rectangular cutting: P 16675, P 16676, P 30434, P 30435, ; L 4038.; ; Upper cistern and shaft fill: 14 stamped amphora handles. Latest coins date in first two decades of 2nd c. Type 35 B lamp. One-fourth of bowls long-petal.; Lower cistern fill: 3 Rhodian amphora handles. latest coin dates in last quarter of 3rd c. Only one fragment of moldmade bowl (imbricate)","","07-17 May 1940","","Deposit","Agora","","","","3rd-2nd c. B.C.","Agora:Deposit:L 19:2" "P 10:2.2","","Lower fill","Terminus post quem of ca. 240 provided by amphora handle.","","28 May 1937","","Deposit","Agora","","","","1st c. A.D.","Agora:Deposit:P 10:2.2" "B 20:7","","Well","Grid notation in error as 99/ΚΑ sometimes.; A well (diameter 1.20m; diameter inside tiles at bottom 0.85m) in the industrial area west of the Areopagus, at the bottom of the valley, about 10.00m. east of the Great Drain. ; At the bottom of the well four series of well-tiles were found in place; at the top the bedrock had broken out, to a depth of over 2m., forming an irregular pit. Lower period of use and two upper dumped fillings.","","28 May-18 June 1946","","Deposit","Agora","","","","3rd. c. B.C.","Agora:Deposit:B 20:7" "D 17:5","","Cistern","Built against the south wall of the annex to the Poros Building; west of the Areopagus. At the west the upper layer of marble chips carried against it, the lowest were cut by it.; Part of same system as D 17:3 and D 17:4.; Object B 874 is from the top fill but not related to the upper or lower fills proper; no subdivision. Neither the upper nor the lower fill had the characteristics of a period of use full. [Nbp. 3001]; ; Upper fill: two stamped amphora handles; one-third of bowls long petal.; Lower fill: Bronze coin from Histiaia (?); no long-petal bowls; bowls of M Monogram Class; pottery probably a contemporary household dump.","","7-9 April 1949","","Deposit","Agora","","","","225-100 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:D 17:5" "D-E 15:1","","Great Drain Fillings","Great Drain: fillings in south part of section; Martyrs I, II and III, all layers (essentially no difference in the layers). ; ; Pottery sorted and recorded by H.A. Thompson 12 may 1950: ""Having gone through some 40 tins of pottery saved from the three martyrs. ... Objects Γ 2648-Γ2656 were removed & catalogued. ... In view of the quantity of pottery & objects already recorded from the drain this pottery has been discarded.""; ; Twenty-five stamped amphora handles; latest of 79 coins date in last quarter of 2nd c.; pottery closely similar to that in Thompson's Group E; two molds, one for long-petal bowl.","","7-13 June 1939","","Deposit","Agora","","","","Second half of 2nd c. B.C.-Early 1st c. B.C.","Agora:Deposit:D-E 15:1" "D 12:2","","Drawshaft","Part of the cistern system 44/ΙΓ - 46/ΙΑ - 42/Θ. The filling of the 46/ΙΑ cistern shaft, with the exception of a little Roman at the top, was the same as the bottom fill of 44/ΙΓ - late Hellenistic, running down to the end of the 1st c. B.C. and perhaps into the 1st c. A.D. (p. 3149). ; Objects listed as ""mouth of cistern 46/ΙΑ"" are included here.; ; Nine stamped amphora handles. One-fifth of bowls long-petal. Physical joins between pottery in D 12:2 and D 11:4 indicate all potttery deposited at one time.","","25 February-5 March 1936","","Deposit","Agora","","","","Late 2nd-early 1st c. B.C.","Agora:Deposit:D 12:2" "H 6:9","","Cave Cistern","Cistern-system west of the Stoa of Zeus. Two chambers connected by a tunnel, each with two fills. Lower fill in south chamber contemporary with upper fill in north chamber, at the end of the 4th c. B.C.; ; Objects T 122, T 145, L 453 and L 454 are from the dump and not assigned subdivisions.; ; Twelve stamped amphora handles. Fragments of Roman lamp and bowl indicate disturbance. small fragments of bowls of M Monogram Class; one mold.","","21 July-8 August 1931; 3 February-14 March 1932; 25-31 May 1934","","Deposit","Agora","","","","Ca. 375-160 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:H 6:9" "R 21:2","","Cistern at 37/ΛΒ","Cistern on the lower Acropolis slopes, west of Panathenaic Way; dumped filling of 1st century B.C.; Bottom diameter 3.90m. Cistern with connecting draw-shaft and a dead end tunnel dates from Late Hellenistic times. Most of the fill in it however was of early Roman period.; ; Four stamped amphora handles. Types 48 D and 51 b lamps indicate cistern remained open until end of 2nd c.","","","","Deposit","Agora","","","","1st century B.C.","Agora:Deposit:R 21:2" "H 12:1","","Fill of Early West Branch of Great Drain=Middle Drain","Filling of Middle Drain (Tr. H+F in Section Ζ). Sand and gravel filling of the old course of the west branch of the Great Drain, a large (ca. 1.00m. deep and 1.30m. wide) underground channel in the area of the Tholos. See nbpp. Section Β 2198-2199.; Twenty-five stamped amphora handles. Pottery similar to Thompson's Group E. Figured bowls have thick walls, small stamps, and were produced in worn molds of coarse workmanship. Half of bowls long-petal. One long-petal mold.","","13-17 April 1937; 29 May-15 June 1937; 23-26 May 1938","","Deposit","Agora","","","","150-100 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:H 12:1" "M 21:1","","Komos Cistern","Komos Cistern at 66/Κ, on the north slope of the Areopagus. Homogeneous fill.; ; Thirty-four stamped amphora handles. Eight Histiaian tetrobols, dating 170-160 at the earliest, found near top, possibly an intrusive hoard. Largest group of moldmade relief ware, consisting of fragments of 183 bowls, one moldmade jug and nine molds. At least 119 bowls are products of Workshop of Bion; only 15 made by Workshop A. Great similarity among bowls, many with same stamps. Most were made in fresh molds. Four molds made by Workshop of Bion, one perhaps a practice piece made by unskilled apprentice.; These facts suggest M 21:1 represents debris from Workshop of Bion, located near by. Cistern N 21:4 , 20 meters to northeast, contained similar evidence of workshop activity.","","20 May-24 June 1947","","Deposit","Agora","","Agora:Image:1997.20.0433::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0433.tif::608::968","","Last quarter of 3rd c. B.C.-Early 2nd century B.C.","Agora:Deposit:M 21:1" "G 5:3","","""Bone Well""","Second century B.C. fill with early 13th c. A.D. fill in mouth.; The Byzantine objects from the mouth are P 13713-P 13718, L 3585.; Lower fill contained bones of many infants and dogs.; The bones from this well are all in very good condition. Mostly green coloured (bronze). A few fragments of pigs, goats and sheep are smashed and were probably eaten. The following animals have been found: dogs, horses, pigs, goats, cattle, cat, birds, turtles.; ; Lower fill contained bones of 100-200 infants and 85 dogs; Byzantine upper fill. Stamped amphora handles; Type 33A and 45C lamps. Most of figured bowls are of M Monogram Class. No long-petal bowls.","","14-23 June 1937; 6-24 June 1938","","Deposit","Agora","","Agora:Image:2013.01.0027::/Agora/2013/2013.01/2013.01.0027.tif::3032::2872","","Mid-2nd c. B.C.","Agora:Deposit:G 5:3" "C 13:2.6","","Fill VI","One fragment of ""A"" ware; no ""D"" ware or gouged ware; several basket-handled water jars and two amphorae.","","","","Deposit","Agora","","","","2nd. c. A.D.","Agora:Deposit:C 13:2.6" "D 11:4","","Drawshaft","Part of the cistern system 44/ΙΓ - 46/ΙΑ - 42/Θ. ; Objects with context as ""cistern 44ΙΓ, mouth of 46/ΙΑ"" are listed with D 12:2.; The following objects are from ""earth"", i.e. no context layer:; SS 5334, SS 5336, SS 5343, SS 5438, SS 5441, SS 5442, SS 5444, SS 5446, SS 5635, SS 5740; LL 2130, L 2132, L 2188; T 1045, T 1067; P 7138; ; Nineteen stamped amphora handles; many late 2nd c. lamps.","","29 February-11 March 1936","","Deposit","Agora","","","","Late Hellenistic-Early Roman","Agora:Deposit:D 11:4" "G 6:2","","Cistern East Chamber","The East Chamber of a double cistern lying between the northeast corner of the Theseion and the Annex to the Stoa of Zeus Eleftherios. ... Both chambers went out of use as water containers simultaneously and served for a short time as refuse dumps ... this occurred in Hellenistic times. (Hesperia. 3 (1934), p. 345). Hell. Group C.; The following objects are published together with those from G 6:2 but were found in the west chamber of the cistern system which is deposit F 6:3: A 230, P 366, P 367, P 403-P 407, P 2387-P 2393, L 459, L 461, L 462, L 464, L 1114, L 1115, T 133, T 134.; ; One stamped amphora handle of ca. 200. Date based on comparison with F 5:1 and G 5:3.","","23 February-16 March 1932","","Deposit","Agora","","","","Ca. 200 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:G 6:2" "O 16:3","","Tiled Well at South Edge of EW Road","Tiled Well at S edge of E-W Road, 73/ΜΗ. Contemporary upper and lower fills separated by layer of sterile mud.; ; Latest coin dates ca. 200. Koan amphora handle with stamped handle dates slightly after 200. type 43 A (?) lamp. Fragment of Roman terracotta plaque of late 3rd c. A.D. indicates contamination. Bowls of coarse workmanship , unlike those of early 2nd c. contexts; none from fresh molds, some from very worn molds. No long-petal bowls. This suggests date in second quarter of 2nd c.","","11 April 1955; 9-16 June 1955; 15 December 1955; 10 January 1956","","Deposit","Agora","","Agora:Image:1997.13.0050::/Agora/1997/1997.13/1997.13.0050.tif::1401::1804","","210-160","Agora:Deposit:O 16:3" "F 5:1","","Cistern","Evidence of stratification into five layers, although joins between the layers. Layer VI added when the construction of the Roman building above required it. No subdivisions assigned.; Flask-shaped cistern chamber located on the northern slopes of Agoraios between the NW corner of the Hellenistic Building and the Temple of Aphrodite Ourania. As found, it lay beneath the floor of one of the rooms of a Roman Building. It was 1.10m in diameter at top, 3m at bottom. Water was received at the north end of this and entered the cistern through a passage which was apparently dammed at the place it entered the cistern with a low block to provide for settling of sediment.; ; Eighteen stamped amphora handles. Later intrusion represented by type 50B lamp and of late 2nd to early 1st c. Moldmade bowls with thick walls and small indistinct figures similar to those on bowls in G 5:3 and some examples in Thompson's Group C. No long-petal bowls.","","3-9 June 1937","Layer I: red earth in the central depression, probably the accumulation of the last period of use of the cistern as a source of water. ","Deposit","Agora","","","","Early 3rd-late 2nd c. B.C.","Agora:Deposit:F 5:1" "E 15:3","","Cistern","Cistern at the southeast foot of Kolonos Agoraios.; ; Nbp. 2369: Two chamber cisterns, 88/ΛΔ and 100/ΚΘ, united by a long straight passage running almost due N-S. A draw shaft at 95/ΚΘ is set just off the course of the passage to the east and opening into it. ; Nbp. 1787: This cistern contained a hopeless mixture of sherds, from hellenistic to late roman....One can say in a general way that the hellenistic fill lay over the bottom of this cistern and the roman above it, but every basket of Hellenistic contained also Roman sherds. ; Nbp. 2441: ...the cistern was very mixed - Hellenistic, Late Roman, and coarse Byzantine. The bottom was covered with a pure hell. fill which in one place could be dug separately...; Cf. E 14:1 and E 14:3.; ; Eighteen stamped amphora handles.","","9 May-1 June 1935","","Deposit","Agora","","","","Late 2nd-early 1st c. B.C.-86 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:E 15:3" "J 1:3","","Amphora Deposit","A deposit of six amphorae and one micaceous water jar was excavated between 20 June and 6 July 2005 in the area north of Wall K. The neck and one handle of one of the amphorae (BZ 1213) had been poking out of the surrounding fill since the end of the 2001 season. We removed two layers of fill in the area around this amphora, the first of which (lot 1540) was highly contaminated and contained material dating from the Late Geometric through the Byzantine periods. The second layer of fill (lot 1541) excavated around the amphora dated to the early Roman period (c. 1st century A.D.), and after we removed this layer of fill we revealed the outlines of five more amphorae and one micaceous water jar. The vessels were carefully removed one by one. Along with the one whole amphora (BZ 1213), two mended amphorae (BZ 1262 & 1263) and the micaceous water jar (BZ 1264), there were also in-situ fragments of three other amphorae, but the necks, handles, and/or bases of these amphorae were missing and the vessels were therefore not mended (the fragments of these three amphorae can be found in the pottery tins).; ; NOTE: This deposit was first excavated 1-2 August 2001 as a ""Late Roman layer with complete vessels"" (elev. 53.040-53.370 masl, J/17,18-1/6,8). The finds included BZ 669 and BZ 756. Both vessels were left in situ and the deposit was left unexcavated until the 2005 season. BZ 669 was given the number BZ 1213 during the 2005 season (the excavator did not know that a section number was given to the in situ amphora). The remaining fragments of amphora BZ 756 can be found in the pottery tins BZ 1540-1541.","","1-2 August 2001; 20 June-6 July 2005","Excavations | 2005 | Trenches | Handler | Area north of Wall K | Deposit of Amphoras J 1:3","Deposit","Agora","Marcie Handler","Agora:Image:2005.02.0001::/Agora/2005/2005.02/2005.02.0001.tif::3162::2712","","Ca. 1st c. A.D.","Agora:Deposit:J 1:3" "E 29:2","","Drawshaft, Cistern in Court K, House of Greek Mosaic","Cistern System in East Portico.; Drawshaft with two blind tunnels, in court of House of the Greek Moisaic; partially excavated by Dorpfeld. No legible coins or amphora handles.","","25 June-3 July 1964","","Deposit","Agora","","","","2nd c. B.C.","Agora:Deposit:E 29:2" "T 19:3","","Well","Well at 15/ΙΕ = Pocket in side of Turkish Pit at 15/ΙΔ.; Shallow well on the lower slopes of the Acropolis, east of the Panathenaic Way, in the area later occupied by the Archaic Building.; ; Located 3.5m north of the Archaic peribolos wall, in a spot later covered by the Temple of Triptolemos. The pit was disturbed by two Ottoman pits on the east and north sides and by the wall of a modern cellar sunk through part of it","","May 1937","CheckGrid","Deposit","Agora","","","","700-675 B.C. with intrusions","Agora:Deposit:T 19:3" "Q-R 10-11:1","","Construction Fill Below Floor of Brick Building","Construction fill below floor of Brick Building.; Areas involved:; a) Western portion of Room A: packing below floor.; b) Room B: packing below floor of northern,larger room.; c) Fill over water channel in smaller, southern room B; channel discovered by builders of Brick Building,rebuilt by them and covered over.; d) Foundation trench of earlier building beneath Brick Building, filled and covered by builders of Brick Building.; e) ""Apparently from below floor of building"" (nb.p. 1282).; ; Fours stamped amphora handles. Type 48 A lamp. No long-petal bowls.","","","","Deposit","Agora","","","","First quarter 2nd century, before its end","Agora:Deposit:Q-R 10-11:1" "A-B 19-20:1","","Great Drain South","Great Drain South (ca. 70-113, from SW edge of section as far north as the Roman Bath) Hellenistic Sand Fill. Silted-up filling of the southern branch of the Great Drain, abandoned due to some damage at time of Sulla.; ; 134 stamped amphora handles; latest lamp is type 35A.","","May-June 1939; April-May 1947; July 1947","","Deposit","Agora","","","","4th. c.-86 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:A-B 19-20:1" "N 12:3","","Geometric and Protogeometric Well","Well at 15/ΜΓ (Well E: PG, ELS). Supplementary filling around its top","","6-10 June 1935","","Deposit","Agora","","","","Protogeometric-6th - 5th c. B.C.","Agora:Deposit:N 12:3" "B 10:1","","Infant Pot Inhumation","Disturbed burial (no remains), probably an infant pot inhumation. ; Inhumation grave 17 in notebook. (E.L. Smithson: Grave XIX: PG). ; Shallow oval cutting containing a banded amphora on its side, mouth to west, sheathed in a large two-handled cooking jar, split irregularly lengthwise, south to east. No bones or offerings; 4th. c. BC sherds in cutting. Both pots Protogeometric, the amphora probably intrusive in the 4th. c. B.C. ; JP; Young: ""It is possible that a baby whose bones have completely disappeared was placed in the larger coarse amphora, and that the other amphora was a Beigabe (offering)"" The fact that no precedent exists in Athens at this time for a full-sized amphora as an offering in an infant or child grave renders such a suggestion unlikely.; ; No remains.","","9 March 1936","","Deposit","Agora","Rodney S. Young","Agora:Image:2009.03.0677::/Agora/2009/2009.03/2009.03.0677.tif::2743::1786","","LPG","Agora:Deposit:B 10:1" "O 18:2","","Hedgehog Well","A small square well at 37/ΚΑ (about 0.60x0.70m), on the north slope of the Areopagus. Curbed with rough stones.; Filling of a small shallow well which contained nothing from the POU and since no water was encountered, may have served only as a storage or rubbish pit.; ; Thasian amphora dates around 340. One intrusive plate fragment probably dates in the 2nd c.","","11-17 May 1938","","Deposit","Agora","","","","Ca. 350-320 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:O 18:2" "E 14:3","","Drawshaft, ""Kybele Cistern""","Cistern-shaft at the southeast foot of Kolonos Agoraios.; ; Nbp. 2369: Two chamber cisterns, 88/ΛΔ and 100/ΚΘ, united by a long straight passage running almost due N-S. A draw shaft at 95/ΚΘ is set just off the course of the passage to the east and opening into it. ; A revised list of assigned objects prepared by GRE is followed here to sort objects found in the cistern system 88/ΛΔ - 95/ΚΘ - 100/ΚΘ.; Cf. E 14:1 and E 15:3.; Objects either from 95/ΚΘ (middle fill) or 88/ΛΔ (lower Hellenistic fill), but uncertain which (they are in the finds lists of both but not assigned to subdivisions PAF) are the following: P 5655, P 5656, P 5657, P 5659, BI 154, S 574, L 1788, IL 193, SS 4091.; ; Only middle fill contained moldmade relief bowls. Twenty stamped amphora handles. Over two-thirds of bowls long-petal.","","9-22 May 1935; 1 June 1935","","Deposit","Agora","","","","Upper fill, Late Roman with some Hellenistic.; Middle fill, Sullan debris to last quarter of 1st c. B.C.; Lower fill, 4th-3rd c. B.C.=POU and abandonment","Agora:Deposit:E 14:3" "E 14:1","","Cistern","Cistern at the southeast foot of Kolonos Agoraios.; ; Nbp. 2369: Two chamber cisterns, 88/ΛΔ and 100/ΚΘ, united by a long straight passage running almost due N-S. A draw shaft at 95/ΚΘ is set just off the course of the passage to the east and opening into it. ; A revised list of assigned objects prepared by GRE is followed here to sort objects found in the cistern system 88/ΛΔ - 95/ΚΘ - 100/ΚΘ.; Cf. E 14:3 and E 15:3.; Objects either from 95/ΚΘ (middle fill) or 88/ΛΔ (lower Hellenistic fill), but uncertain which (they are in the finds lists of both but not assigned to subdivisions PAF) are the following: P 5655, P 5656, P 5657, P 5659, BI 154, S 574, L 1788, IL 193, SS 4091.; ; T 220 when opened in 1981 found to contain pottery chiefly of the 3rd c. A.D. - discarded.; T 221-225 sorted in 1997, SIR.; ; Twenty stamped amphora handles. Most of pottery dates in second half of 3rd c. but evidence of disturbance includes coins and Knidian handles, early Roman pottery, lamp, and glass, ""Pergamene"" ware and fragments of 18 long-petal bowls. Possibly disturbance comes from lower fill of drawshaft E 14:3, which extended down connecting towards E 14:1. One stamp for manufacrure of molds.","","22-31 May-3 June 1935","","Deposit","Agora","","","","Use filling of late 4th-early 3rd c. B.C.; Accumulative fillings of late 3rd-early 2nd and late 1st c. B.C.; Upper dumped filling of 3rd c. A.D.","Agora:Deposit:E 14:1" "C 17:3","","Well","A tiled well with POU from 9.30-10.80m. and dumped fill above 9.30m. The dumped fill differs from lower fill only in the less frequent appearance of fragments of micaceous water jars and the occurrence of Roman D ware plate fragments and of large brick red amphorae with fluted handles.; Diameter 0.72m.","","28 April 1949; 2-10 May 1949","","Deposit","Agora","","","","3rd c. A.D. with destruction at 267 A.D.","Agora:Deposit:C 17:3" "U 22:2","","Well East of Circular Building","Well East of Circular Building, at 25/ΙΗ.; Well dug originally in 5th c. B.C. and probably had POU fill. In 2nd c. A.D. the shaft was intersected by a horizontal vaulted brick tunnel belonging to the Brick Shaft system and the earlier fill above the line of the proposed tunnel floor was dug out. After construction of tunnel the old well shaft was filled up again, this time with a Roman dumped filling of second half of 2nd c. A.D.","","14 March-6 April 1938","","Deposit","Agora","","","","5th c. B.C.(?)","Agora:Deposit:U 22:2" "K 18:2","","Cistern on Lower North Slope of Areopagus","Cistern on lower north slope of Areopagus.; ; Latest of thirteen amphora handles dated ca.199; twelve legible coins, the latest dating ca. 196-190. Three intrusive pieces:two semiglazed fragments and piece of early Roman bowl.","","11-19 March 1937","","Deposit","Agora","","Agora:Image:1997.17.0237::/Agora/1997/1997.17/1997.17.0237.tif::450::617","","260-190 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:K 18:2" "A 18:1","","Cistern Between Areopagus and Hill of the Nymphs","Cistern in the valley between the Areopagus and the Hill of the Nymphs. Simple, flask-shaped chamber withdraw-shaft; no tunnels. Mouth cut away in Byzantine times. Lower filling, 3rd c. B.C.","","25-30 April 1947","","Deposit","Agora","","Agora:Image:2009.01.0533::/Agora/2009/2009.01/2009.01.0533.tif::2940::3728","","","Agora:Deposit:A 18:1" "K 3:1","","Frankish Coin Hoard","West and adjacent to Modern Wall 5, we excavated 12th-13th c. A.D. fill, in some places a half meter deep or more. The fill was remarkably uniform in content throughout. Typical pottery included: fine sgraffito; slip painted ware; inscribed ware; plain glaze; brown and green glaze; polychrome glaze; Byzantine lamp fragments; coarse wares; and cooking wares. Within this fill, we discovered a slightly scattered hoard of 43 coins. At the time of this summary, the legible coins are Frankish, and date to the early 13th c. A.D. ; ; Coins: ΒΘ-96; ΒΘ-98 -128; ΒΘ-135 -145; Pottery lots: T 141, T 143; Notebook: ΒΘ VIII; Baskets: 43, 57; pp. 1557, 1587; X-Section: pp. 1460, 1500; Grid: K/6,9-3/5,9; Elevation: 54.544-54.111m.","","20 July-6 August 2010","Excavations | 2010 | Trenches | West | Western Section | Central Area | Level 3 North | Deposit K 3:1","Deposit","Agora","Michael Laughy","","","12th-13th c. A.D.","Agora:Deposit:K 3:1" "P 10:2","","Cistern","With cistern at 18/Π (P 10:1), two chambers connected by a passage.; 18/Π went out of use first and was closed off from 17/ΟΕ-ΟΣΤ; filled up at one time with material dating between 350 and 300 B.C.; 17/ΟΕ-ΟΣΤ continued in use until ca. 250 B.C. when it was filled up at one time with an apparently contemporary group of discarded household pottery. A slight accumulation of infiltrative material of 1st c. A.D. was found at the top (P 19718), probably introduced when the top of the cistern was broken in.; Two Rhodian amphora handles. Latest lamp type 32. Fragments of only two moldmade bowls.","","17 April 1937; 27-28 May 1937","","Deposit","Agora","","","","","Agora:Deposit:P 10:2" "H-K 12-14","","Middle Stoa Building Fill","Middle Stoa Building Fill (with filling to S) (See also Κ: H-I-J 14-15 and Λ: K-M 13-14); ; This deposit is not definitive and must be considered with the above deposits before details are entered into database; left for later in the interest of time (Dec 2007/pf); ; Date based on Grace's analysis of ca. 1500 stamped amphora handles in fill. Latest coins date 200-180. Five fragments of long-petal bowls and one fragment of figured bowl of M Monogram Class come from disturbed area of fill at west end of building. Otherwise bowls similar to those in other deposits of early 2nd. c. Fragments of six molds.","","","","Deposit","Agora","","","","To ca. 180 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:H-K 12-14" "L 3:1","","Goat Horn Pit","Debris pit, located in Room 2 of ΒΘ East. Pit measures ca. 2.30 by 1.70m., and nearly a meter deep. The pottery from the pit dates ca. 10th-12th c. A.D. The fill of the pit consisted of soft, black charcoal and earth, within which we recovered ca. 800 goat horns, representing over 400 unique adult goats. The tip of every well preserved horn has been cut to facilitate husbandry. The horn deposit may represent the refuse from a tanning facility. At the bottom of the pit, we discovered four nearly whole vessels: a water pitcher, cooking pot, coarse ware pot, and suspended lamp.; ; Coins: ΒΘ-130; Finds: ΒΘ 77-81; Pottery lots: T 199, T 200; Notebook: ΒΘ IX; Baskets: 40, 50; pp. 1729, 1751; X-Section: p. 1650; Grid: L/2,4-3/14,16; Elevation: 54.086-53.100m.","","16-23 July 2010; 2-5 August 2010","Excavations | 2010 | Trenches | West | Western Section | Northern Area | East | Level 1","Deposit","Agora","Michael Laughy","","","10th-12th c. A.D.","Agora:Deposit:L 3:1" "C 13:2","","Well","Roman well, stratified.; Finds from the earth (not recorded in a subdivision):; P 7995, P 8036, P 21834, SS 6338, IL 483, IL 486, BI 309, BI 310, ; BI 314.; ; According to the excavator the shaft had been cleaned out at some period and then used as a vothros over a long time (p. 1874). Despite the general paucity of the well fill (only 21 tins of pottery from -7.00m to bottom), a rather large number of amphorae, micaceous water jars and other handled containers were represented among the sherds and some stratification is apparent. The well might for some reason have been used only sparingly or it might have been equipped with a metal bucket which was used in preference to clay jars on most occasions.","","1 April-28 May 1936","","Deposit","Agora","","","","2nd-4th c. A.D.","Agora:Deposit:C 13:2" "H-I 14:1","","Kleiner Coin Deposit III","Hellenistic fill South of Middle Stoa near NW corner of Heliaea. This fill contained material later in date than that which made up the middle Stoa Building Fill. ; ; Only the coins (and a few amphora handles [why only these?]) from this area. Other finds are with H-K 12-14.; ; See Hesperia 57 (1988), pp. 88-89 for a description of the dating and ""The lots collected in Kleiner's Deposit III, however, do not seem to form a logical stratigraphic unit...""","","3 May 1954; 4 June 1954","","Deposit","Agora","","","","To ca. 140 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:H-I 14:1" "A 14:1","","Early Roman Well","Extract from notebook ΠΘ XIX, pp. 3644-3646. Well at 105/ΝΗ (report on sorting of pottery, July 19, 1951 - H.S. Robinson).; ""Not a useful well"" HSR.; ; Well dug to 1.50m., vi/9/36; dug from 1.50m. to bottom (22.80m.), iv/9/37 - iv/23/37. Cut in bed-rock (no tiles reported); diameter at mouth: 1.04m.; depth 22.80m.; The fill from bottom (22.80m.) to 22.25m. (container 9?) produced 2 type XXII lamps (L 2992-3) which R. Howland dated late 3rd to early 2nd cent. B.C. The latest coin was of Delos, after 166 B.C. (iv/23/37 #14). No sherds from this level were stored (p. 2735) but some were probably put in with basket 9, the final container from the well fill; cont. 9 could not be located when the pottery was sorted in 1951. (Container 8 - ca. 22.25m. - is predominantly hellenistic.); From 22.25m. to 21.30m. (containers 7-5) all pottery seems to be of the 1st cent. After Christ: practically no fine ware except P 21656 (ΠΘ 3373) and frags. of a grey-ware platter; type XVIII and XX lamps (L 2988-89); numerous amphorae, including frags. of two with high pointed handles (cf. P 11878) and of another with heavy rim such as those that occasionally have Latin stamps; BHWJ's. The coins are all Athenian New Style 229-30 B.C., or earlier. Numerous frags. of iron, some of which had been used in conjunction with wood (iron-bound bucket?) occurred in cont. 7-5, extending over into cont. 4 (now in Box no. 361-B).; The above fills, apparently of the 2nd cent. B.C. and the 1st cent. A.D. respectively, represent ""period of use' of the well. For perhaps two centuries thereafter the well must have been out of regular use; cont. 4 (ca. 21.30m.) probably dates from this period and contains predominantly pre-herulian wares: wheel-ridged mugs and pitchers, type XXVII lamp frag. Frags. of one jug with gouged branches (?) on the exterior. Containers 3-1 (ca. 21.00-20.20m.) represent a new period of use and appear to contain 4th cent. pottery: the late amphora P 10030 and another similar stored in tin no. 364; micaceous water jars shaped as P 14899 (one almost complete stored in tin no. 363); jugs as P 12824; gouged ware; XXVIII lamps (L 2985-7); jug in shape of boy's head (P 10004); very little fine ware; no coins. ; From 20.20m. to 1.50m. the fill contained very few sherds (some hellenistic) with frags. of tile, brick, plaster and mosaic flooring. One coin (iv/9/37 #1) of Constantine II (323-361 A.D.) suggests a late 4th cent. date for this destruction fill. The top 1.50m. of fill contained mixed sherds with some Byzantine.","","9 June 1936; 9-23 April 1937","","Deposit","Agora","","Agora:Image:2008.03.0325::/Agora/2008/2008.03/2008.03.0325.tif::3567::4080","","Early Roman; use fillings of 2nd. c. B.C. and 1st. and 4th. c. A.D.; dumped filling of late 4th. c. (HSR); Fill I: 2nd. c. B.C.; Fill II-V: to second half of 4th. c. A.D.; Fill VI: mixed to Byzantine.","Agora:Deposit:A 14:1" "F 16:4","","Urn Cremation","Grave 2. Urn cremation (trench-and-hole). In some records as XXIII.; Variously labeled as grid 7/Δ, 7/Γ and 7/Γ-Δ.; Rectangular pyre trench cut through earth into bedrock, with only the lowest 0.04m surviving. The exact orientation of the trench has not noted in the field, but it appears to have been roughly oriented east to west (or east-southeast to west-northwest). The pyre trench measured about 1.25m long and was 0.52 m wide. The trench floor comprised what appeared to be scorched earth; it contained a few sherds, described by the excavator as being of ""small bowls"".; The urn-hole was located at the east end of the pyre trench; its diameter and depth were not recorded, but judging from the cover stones the pit probably measured just under 0.50m in diameter and was about 0.35m deep. In it, a neck-handled amphora , which served as cinerary urn, was placed in an upright position; it contained the cremated remains of an individual described as an adolescent aged 10-14 years at death. Analysis of the human remains showed that the cinerary urn contained a small child, no more than two years old.; ; See also P 34860-P 34866 catalogued as ""sherds overlying tombs ; F 16:3 & F 16:4"".","","15-16 March 1932","","Deposit","Agora","Dorothy Burr Thompson","Agora:Image:1997.20.0455::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0455.tif::1022::735","","Transitional Late Protogeometric/Early Geometric I","Agora:Deposit:F 16:4" "K 3:2","","Byzantine Layer with Complete Pots","Excavation in Room 3 of ΒΘ West revealed 5 ceramic vessels in a row against the eastern face of Wall 12. 3 complete vessels (ΒΘ 122, 124, and 125) were catalogued, along with the base of a plain glazed flat-bottomed basin (ΒΘ 121). In addition to the vessels along the face of Wall 12, 5 coins were found within the fill, as well as a bronze ring and fragments of painted plaster (ΒΘ 134) from a wall.; ; Numerous joining sherds were found in ΒΘ Lots 402-404, which could potentially lead to more complete vessels. At least 1 vessel with full profile, a plate with poorly preserved glaze, is stored in ΒΘ Lot 404. Other joining fragments include significant portions of course water jars and amphorae, and a large pithos lid with decorative grooves (west:2012:f:42).; ; The fill in Room 3 was uniform in consistency, and no floor levels were found. The approximate elevation at which the 3 complete vessels were found was 53.630. The ceramic vessels were dated by Dr. Fotini Kondyli to the 9th-11th centuries A.D, although the fill around vessels contained ceramic evidence dating to the 12th-13th centuries A.D. The primary types of glazed Byzantine pottery found in the fill included green and brown painted ware, plain glaze ware, Constantinople white ware, and monochrome glaze. ; ; Excavation of Room 3 progressed over the course of the 2012 season, and was only stopped due to the end of season. Fill below the end of season stopping point (elev.: 53.509) may contain sherds that join with those from the 2012 excavation season. See also ΒΘ Lots 139, 239 and 240 for possible joining sherds from previous excavation seasons.; ; ; ; 2013 Addendum:; ; During the 2013 field season, excavation in Room 3 of ΒΘ West revealed 3 ceramic vessels at approximately the same elevation as the pots assigned to Deposit K 3:2 during the 2012 season. In addition to the 3 vessels, a roof cover tile was mended from the tile debris in the same area, and 10 coins were found within the fill directly above and around the surface, mostly Anonymous Byzantine Folles datable to 1070-1075 A.D.; ; Excavation in Room 3 was restricted to a small area south of and adjacent to Wall 23. The fragmentary remains of a ceramic pithos (ΒΘ 178) were revealed after the removal of a reused threshold block above the pithos. Many fragments of a deep bowl with poorly preserved glaze (ΒΘ 171) were wedged between the wall of the pithos and the southern face of Wall 23. Half of a dish with poorly preserved glaze (ΒΘ 179) was found in the northern scarp of the trench. An illegible coin (ΒΘ-239) was found in the fill within the pithos (ΒΘ 178).; ; The fill within the pithos was removed separately (ΒΘ Lot 528), and after consultation with Dr. Joanita Vroom and the Agora staff, all fill from the pithos was saved, but not given an Agora Sample number. Removal of fill around the pithos (ΒΘ Lot 529, 10th-11th century A.D.) revealed a poorly preserved pale yellow clay floor sloping downwards from west to east (elev.: 53.803 ¬¬– 53.590). All of the 2013 cataloged objects included in Deposit K 3:2 were found in the fill above this floor, with the pithos and some of the coins resting on it. The floor was left in situ at the end of the season.; ; 2017 Addendum:; ; In 2017, we resumed excavation of Room 3, concentrating our efforts on the high baulk at the northeastern part of the room.; We began by excavating the eastern portion of the high baulk (Lots ΒΘ 951, 952, 953, 955). A plaster layer was exposed and removed over the course of several baskets in the southern half of the eastern portion at an average elevation of 53.883m, and ceramic material from these layers date from the late 11th-early 13th century AD. We also uncovered fragments of a Byzantine vessel at an elevation of 53.590m, which were later removed entirely (ΒΘ 302).; While excavating the western portion of the high baulk (Lots ΒΘ 954, 958), we documented and removed the majority of the tile concentration lying at K/6,8-3/1,2 as postulated in the 2016 season report (ΒΘ West, p. 11). Ceramic material from this removal dates the layer from the 11th-13th century AD.; With the evidence available, we can now interpret the large amount of tile uncovered this season and previous seasons in this part of Room 3 as the consequence of a roof collapse. The whole sequence of abandonment and collapse was completed sometime in the 13th century AD.","","27 June-30 July 2012; 17-30 July 2013; 16 June-2 August 2017","","Deposit","Agora","James Artz","Agora:Image:2021.22.0040::/Agora/2021/2021.22/2021.22.0040.tif::2048::1374","","9th-11th c. A.D.","Agora:Deposit:K 3:2"