"Chronology","Redirect","Icon","dc-date","dc-description","dc-subject","Id","dc-creator","dc-title","Type","dc-publisher","UserLevel","Name","Collection" "","","Agora:Image:2012.81.1915::/Agora/2012/2012.81/2012.81.1915.jpg::2048::1672","Summer 1957","Intact but chipped. A flat disk with a hole at center. Surface slightly raised around hole.; ; Unglazed.","","Agora:Object:P 26160","","Pithos Lid","Object","","","P 26160","Agora" "","","","1 April 1932","Handle fragment, probably from an amphora.; ; Decorated with stars, stripes and tooth pattern.","","Agora:Object:P 1665","","Amphora Fragment","Object","","","P 1665","Agora" "","","Agora:Drawing:DA 7646::/Agora/Architecture/DAs/07000-07999/DA 7646.jpg::0::0","January-February 1950","Handle, part of rim and part of base broken off and mended; chips missing. Plump jug with flaring ring foot, wide round mouth, narrow projecting rim; rising band handle from rim, its surface concave.; ; Dull black glaze on neck, both inside and outside; in one line below the handle all around the body and on the outer face of the foot. The rest covered with a light brownish wash.; ; Graffito on neck: ","Black and Plain Pottery | Oinochoe | Banded Round-Mouth","Agora:Object:P 20795","","Oinochoe with Graffito","Object","","","P 20795","Agora" "275-250","","","","Half of rim, one-fourth of neck, and three-fourths of shoulder restored; lower body and handles missing.; ; Neck: grapevine running right. Straight main stem; leaves on stems alternate with bunches of grapes with dotted tendrils.; ; Shoulder: three pairs of antithetical leaping dolphins spaced by white dot rosettes; spiral wave pattern running right, filled in with white below; two lines with row of dots between them.; ; Lustrous black to reddish brown glaze with metallic patches.; ; Bracket Leaf Group.; ; For pieces with similar decoration see 89. Certainly an amphora; trace of scar of second handle preserved.","Hellenistic Pottery and Wheelmade Table Ware | Other Vessels For Wine Service | Storage Vessels | West Slope Amphora | Wheelmade | Large","Agora:Object:Agora XXIX:408","","","Object","","","Agora XXIX, no. 408","Agora" "","","","","NM 16117; ; Two lines retrograde.; Line 1:- Τλεσίας-; Line 2:-.A.-","","Agora:Object:H 54","","Rim Fragment with Graffito","Object","","","H 54","Agora" "","","","","NM 16092; ; The inscription spirals retrograde around the vase. Jeffery proposes the following (L.S.A.G., p. 401): Νι[ό]δεμος (Μ[ενέ]δεμος?) Φ[ιλ]αιίδες καταπύγον. Λεό[φρα]δες [ερι].; ; For the study of vituperative graffiti with the word καταπύγων,see M. MIlne and D. von Bothmer, Hesperia 22, 1953, pp. 215-224.","","Agora:Object:H 1","","One-Handled Cup with Graffito","Object","","","H 1","Agora" "","","Agora:Image:2007.01.0861::/Agora/2007/2007.01/2007.01.0861.tif::2206::2809","8 May 1933","Fragment from left corner of inscribed block.; On the finished left side, a large laurel wreath, incised. Broken top, bottom, back and right.; On the face, the start of nine lines of inscription; stoichedon.; Pentelic marble.","","Agora:Object:I 794","","Block Fragment","Object","","","I 794","Agora" "","","","April 1937","Obverse: human figure standing with right arm stretched forward (?).; Reverse: plain.","","Agora:Object:IL 1258","","Lead Token","Object","","","IL 1258","Agora"