"Name","Chronology","Icon","dc-subject","dc-description","dc-date","dc-creator","dc-title","Redirect","UserLevel","Id","Type","dc-publisher","Collection" "P 27450","","Agora:Image:2015.04.0355::/Agora/2015/2015.04/2015.04.0355.tif::5925::4937","","Mended from thirty-one pieces. One piece missing below handle; rim chipped. Somewhat restored in plaster. Tall amphoroid krater with torus-disc foot, vertical strap handles from belly to rim, out-turned rim. Rim and foot glazed solid; handles edged with vertical bands, crossed with diagonal bars, framed by thin vertical stripes at ends of 'picture field'; three bands below handles, one above foot. Decoration of three curtailed Argonauts sailing left on each side with conventional formulaic seaweed and trefoil rockwork or rosette motives above and below. Argonauts go over side stripes and touch top stripe. ; ; Pale buff clay full of grit and pocks, prominent wheel ridges, fine buff slip, clear light red glaze. ; ; Probably Furumark, MP type 6 (III A:1) or 7 (III A:2 early), motive 22, no. 16 (III A:1) 17 no. 18 (II B-III A:1).","3-10 August 1965","","Krater","","","Agora:Object:P 27450","Object","","Agora" "N 38438","211-217 A.D.","Agora:Image:2017.13.0124::/Agora/2017/2017.13/2017.13.0124.tif::5290::2272","Coins | By Subject | Gods | Venus","Αντωνειανός: Ιουλία Δόμνα 193 217 μ.Χ.","17 February 1955","Rome","Roman Coin","","","Agora:Coin:N 38438","Coin","Julia Domna","Agora" "2004.04.0038 (2002-25-09)","","Agora:Image:2004.04.0038::/Agora/2004/2004.04/2004.04.0038.tif::1530::1558","Site | By Area | South | Eleusinion | General Views","west","7 Aug 2002","Craig Mauzy","West Trench. Well T 22:3 (A) and Post-holes B,C,D and E. End of season.","","","Agora:Image:2004.04.0038","Image","","Agora" "2012.61.0361 (2002-25-9)","","Agora:Image:2012.61.0361::/Agora/2012/2012.61/2012.61.0361.jpg::2012::2048","","AMS","August 2002","Craig Mauzy","West Trench. Well T 22:3 (A) and Post-holes B,C,D and E. End of season.","","","Agora:Image:2012.61.0361","Image","","Agora" "Agora XXIX, no. 1468","290-250","","Hellenistic Pottery and Wheelmade Table Ware | Votives And Other Vessels For Religious Use | Vessels From Ritual Pyres | Pyre Saucer | Shallow","Mended from sixteen fragments, with two areas restored; burned.; ; Small, slightly concave bottom with string marks. Very thin wall, slightly concave above base. Hard, pinkish gray fabric (7.5YR 6/2) with almost no mica; unglazed.; ; Similar, from same pyre: P 18464, P 18465, P 18467 (Young 1951b, nos.; ; 13:20, 21, 23, p. 130).","","","","","","Agora:Object:Agora XXIX:1468","Object","","Agora" "P 26160","","Agora:Image:2012.81.1915::/Agora/2012/2012.81/2012.81.1915.jpg::2048::1672","","Intact but chipped. A flat disk with a hole at center. Surface slightly raised around hole.; ; Unglazed.","Summer 1957","","Pithos Lid","","","Agora:Object:P 26160","Object","","Agora" "Agora 16, s. 77, p. 59","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-16-77::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 016/Agora 016 077 (59).png::1438::2048","","Agora 16","","","Agora, 19, L3","","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-16-77","PublicationPage","","Agora" "Agora 29.1, s. 387, p. 348","275-250 B.C.; 275 B.C.; 250-200 B.C.; 200 B.C.; 250-225 B.C.; 200-175 B.C.","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-29.1-387::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 029.1/Agora 029.1 387 (348).png::1528::2048","","Agora 29","","","Cistern","","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-29.1-387","PublicationPage","","Agora"