"dc-date","Name","dc-creator","Chronology","dc-description","dc-publisher","Icon","dc-subject","dc-title","Id","UserLevel","Redirect","Type","Collection" "22 Mar-6 Jul 1933","Η' 73","","Late Byzantine","","","","From Annotation","Drains, Pits, Fillings Significant for Walls and Floors; Cleaning Floor of Byzantine Building","Agora:Lot:Η' 73","","","Lot","Agora" "25 Apr 1933","Η' 97","","Late Roman","","","","From Annotation","Byzantine Building; Room V; Below Level of Floor 3; Bench above Water Channel of Main Drain","Agora:Lot:Η' 97","","","Lot","Agora" "9 Feb 1934","Η' 154","","Late Roman","","","","From Annotation","Room XXIV; Below Floor 2; Loose Filling to -2.00m","Agora:Lot:Η' 154","","","Lot","Agora" "10-14 May 1940","ΞΞ 51","","3rd B.C.","Early West Slope.","","","","House A; Room 3; Soft Dark Earth against and Face of Limestone Block; Soft Fill in Pit below Fallen Stones; Soft Fill around Fallen Stones in Pit to South of Limestone Block; Soft Fill in Round Shaft","Agora:Lot:ΞΞ 51","","","Lot","Agora" "18/02/1937","Υ 18","","2nd-3rd A.D.","Coarse and red glazed jug and bowl fragments.; ; Coins:; 18 February 1937 #1-#2","","","","Drain Pit; Green Sand Fill","Agora:Lot:Υ 18","","","Lot","Agora" "21 May 1937","Ζ 226","","Early 3rd B.C.","21 May 1937 #1-#2","","","","Tholos Trench D; Layer I","Agora:Lot:Ζ 226","","","Lot","Agora" "22 February 1938","Ζ 354","","3rd - 2nd B.C.","Iron slag.","","","","Tholos Trench H; North of Building C; Pocket in Bedrock in Bottom of Middle Drain","Agora:Lot:Ζ 354","","","Lot","Agora" "26 March-30 April 1948","ΟΟ 231","","2nd half of 3rd A.D.","","","","","Building A; Bath; North Hypocaust Room and Furnace Dump; Destruction Debris and Upper Layer of Furnace Dump","Agora:Lot:ΟΟ 231","","","Lot","Agora"