"Chronology","Redirect","dc-description","UserLevel","Name","dc-creator","dc-subject","Id","dc-title","Type","Icon","Collection","dc-date","dc-publisher" "To ca. 140 B.C.","","South Stoa II Construction Fill.; ; About 85 stamped amphora handles, many with parallels in building fills of Middle Stoa and Stoa of Attalos. Fragments of long-petal bowls confirm date after mid-2nd c. Types 25 A', 33 A, 35 B, and 44 A lamps. Most of bowls figured; one mold.","","M-N 15:1","","","Agora:Deposit:M-N 15:1","South Stoa II: Building Fill","Deposit","","Agora","","" "Second half 4th c. A.D.","","Hellenistic cistern, part of the same system as 94/ΝΣΤ (D 4:1) and connected with it by a passage. Later cleaned out for reuse and filled with destruction debris of the late 4th c. A.D.","","E 5:1","","","Agora:Deposit:E 5:1","East Chamber","Deposit","","Agora","23 March-12 April 1937","" "","","Well near southwest corner of market square; successive use fillings, and dumped filling.; Lower use filling, second half of 4th century B.C.; Main use filling, second quarter of 2nd century B.C. to shortly after the middle of the century.; Dumped filling, second half of 2nd century B.C.; ; Seventy-four stamped amphora handles; over half of bowls long-petal.","","F 13:3","","","Agora:Deposit:F 13:3","Well 9","Deposit","","Agora","10 April-31 May 1935","" "4th. c.-86 B.C.","","Great Drain South (ca. 70-113, from SW edge of section as far north as the Roman Bath) Hellenistic Sand Fill. Silted-up filling of the southern branch of the Great Drain, abandoned due to some damage at time of Sulla.; ; 134 stamped amphora handles; latest lamp is type 35A.","","A-B 19-20:1","","","Agora:Deposit:A-B 19-20:1","Great Drain South","Deposit","","Agora","May-June 1939; April-May 1947; July 1947","" "Use filling early 1st-2nd c. B.C.","","Cistern-chamber on the northwest side of Kolonos Agoraios, 10 to 12m west of the end of the Hellenistic Building. Dimensions at bottom 2.50m x 2.75m.; The west chamber of a cistern system composed of two chambers connected by a passage (91/Ν); the east chamber at 91/Ν (E 5:1) retained little or no traces of its original period of use. North of the Hephaisteion. (Roman Group G).","","D 4:1","","","Agora:Deposit:D 4:1","West Chamber","Deposit","","Agora","1-16 April 1937","" "First half of 5th c. A.D.","","Accumulated debris on the west side of the market square. ; Related layers added 1999/2000 (JWH), e.g. ""Gravelly layer above burning"", ""Clearing Classical floor"", ""Lowest level above bedrock"", ""Below burning"", etc.; ; Cf. Hesperia 2 (1933), p. 209.; ; Apparently the burnt layer runs through sections Α, ΟΕ and Ε as well. No finds are listed here from those sections, but cf. e.g. Nbp. Α 124.","","H-I 7-8:1","","","Agora:Deposit:H-I 7-8:1","""Burnt Layer""","Deposit","","Agora","8 March 1933; 24 April 1933; 11-29 May 1933","" "To ca. 180 B.C.","","Middle Stoa Building Fill (with filling to S) (See also Κ: H-I-J 14-15 and Λ: K-M 13-14); ; This deposit is not definitive and must be considered with the above deposits before details are entered into database; left for later in the interest of time (Dec 2007/pf); ; Date based on Grace's analysis of ca. 1500 stamped amphora handles in fill. Latest coins date 200-180. Five fragments of long-petal bowls and one fragment of figured bowl of M Monogram Class come from disturbed area of fill at west end of building. Otherwise bowls similar to those in other deposits of early 2nd. c. Fragments of six molds.","","H-K 12-14","","","Agora:Deposit:H-K 12-14","Middle Stoa Building Fill","Deposit","","Agora","","" "","","Horizontal (normal)","","2009.01.0524 (LCT-144)","","","Agora:Image:2009.01.0524","Silver and bronze coins of Athens, 5th-3rd centuries B.C. Top row, from left to right: N 24585, N 12377, N 28826, N 14317. Bottom row, from left to right: N 38389, N 986, N 67279, N 2049, N 38410.","Image","Agora:Image:2009.01.0524::/Agora/2009/2009.01/2009.01.0524.tif::2216::1512","Agora","",""