"Chronology","dc-date","Type","Id","Redirect","dc-publisher","dc-subject","Name","dc-creator","dc-description","UserLevel","Collection","Icon","dc-title" "LHIII A:1","20 July-2 August 2001","Deposit","Agora:Deposit:J 2:19","","","Excavations | 2001 | Trenches | Scahill | Tomb J 2:19","J 2:19","David Scahill","At northeast corner of Classical Building II; on south side of dromos of Tomb K 2:5, and separated from it by ca. 0.6m of bedrock. Chamber cut through bedrock. The northeast corner of chamber defined. Rest of tomb runs under later wall foundations to the south and west.; ; Upper fill of stones and earth inside cutting with Geometric sherds. Partially articulated skeleton laid out against the north wall of the tomb, with feet to the east. A courseware pitcher upside down in the north east corner. More bones and a skull in a depression under and to the south, with an alabastron, and broken pieces of a second pitcher.","","Agora","Agora:Image:2001.02.0295::/Agora/2001/2001.02/2001.02.0295.tif::1280::1024","Tomb" "Ca. 325 B.C.","20-21 June 2001","Deposit","Agora:Deposit:J 3:7","","","Excavations | 2001 | Trenches | Scahill | Classical Building II | Room 1 | Beneath Toichobate Floor Level | Pyre J 3:7","J 3:7","David Scahill","Beneath toichobate floor level in Room 1 of Classical Building II, against the south ashlar wall, ca. 1.50m. east of the southwest corner of the building. Deposit of broken pyre pots in small pit, 1.00m. by 0.60m., with ash, bits of carbon and animal bones.; Basket 19.","","Agora","Agora:Image:2001.04.0019::/Agora/2001/2001.04/2001.04.0019.tif::1344::1968","Pyre in Room 1 of Classical Building II"