"UserLevel","Redirect","dc-date","dc-publisher","Id","Name","Type","dc-creator","Icon","dc-title","dc-subject","Chronology","Collection","dc-description" "","","10-12 July 2000; 21-22 July 2003","","Agora:Deposit:J 1:2","J 1:2","Deposit","Marcie Handler","Agora:Image:2000.04.0003::/Agora/2000/2000.04/2000.04.0003.tif::2020::1259","Coin Hoard in BZ","Excavations | 2003 | Trenches | Handler | Byzantine Building East of the North-South Road | Room F | Coin Hoard J 1:2 | Fill","","Agora","Continued from 2000 season, 10-12 July 2000; BZ XXIII p. 4472.; ; The hoard was originally excavated during the 2000 season (Lot BZ 1049, 5th-6th centuries AD), from a higher elevation through a gap in the stones of Wall A, and was thought to be the bottom of a foundation trench for the wall. The original excavators bottomed out on a tile, thought to be part of a drain (which was actually the bottom of the basin/latrine). The eastern limit of the deposit was not found during the 2000 season, because it sat under levels of fill in Room F until this season of excavation. The fill within the basin was excavated this season, and an additional 17 coins were found before we cleared the contents of the basin.; ; Coin hoard (mostly illegible) 4th c. A.D.; Foundation trench of N/S street wall, in ash pit. 53.505m-53.089m. -Basin on the west side of Room F. 53.084-53.275m. (2003); 17 coins: ΒΖ-1418 - ΒΖ-1434" "","","21 Jul 2003","","Agora:Image:2012.86.1733","2012.86.1733 (2003-9-19)","Image","","Agora:Image:2012.86.1733::/Agora/2012/2012.86/2012.86.1733.jpg::2048::1373","Basin in Room F prior to excavation of Basket 44. Facing west.","","","Agora","AMS" "","","","","Agora:Image:2007.02.0152","2007.02.0152","Image","Handler","Agora:Image:2007.02.0152::/Agora/2007/2007.02/2007.02.0152.JPG::2816::2112","","","","Agora","Horizontal (normal)" "","","19 Jun 2003","","Agora:Image:2003.02.0052","2003.02.0052","Image","Marcie Handler","Agora:Image:2003.02.0052::/Agora/2003/2003.02/2003.02.0052.jpg::2272::1704","Room F, north of the pit left by the Broken Pithos. [Before basket 8]","","","Agora","north" "","","8 Jul 2003","","Agora:Image:2003.02.0180","2003.02.0180","Image","Marcie Handler","Agora:Image:2003.02.0180::/Agora/2003/2003.02/2003.02.0180.jpg::2272::1704","Area of burning with tiles on the west side of Room F. [Before basket 23]","","","Agora","north" "","","8 Jul 2003","","Agora:Image:2003.02.0192","2003.02.0192","Image","Marcie Handler","Agora:Image:2003.02.0192::/Agora/2003/2003.02/2003.02.0192.jpg::2272::1704","Area of burning with tiles, in Room F, during the excavation of the ashy fill. [During basket 23]","","","Agora","north" "","","10 Jul 2003","","Agora:Image:2003.02.0210","2003.02.0210","Image","Marcie Handler","Agora:Image:2003.02.0210::/Agora/2003/2003.02/2003.02.0210.jpg::2272::1704","Area of burning on the west side of Room F. There is a half-circle of red clay filled in with gray ash. [During basket 23]","","","Agora","south" "","","10 Jul 2003","","Agora:Image:2003.02.0215","2003.02.0215","Image","Marcie Handler","Agora:Image:2003.02.0215::/Agora/2003/2003.02/2003.02.0215.jpg::2272::1704","Area of burning on the west side of Room F. After the removal of a layer of ash and a single, large tile, a layer of tiles was uncovered. [During basket 23]","","","Agora","north"