"dc-title","dc-creator","Id","Collection","Name","UserLevel","dc-publisher","Type","Chronology","dc-subject","dc-date","Icon","dc-description","Redirect" "Pit tomb, infant inhumation","Eugene Vanderpool","Agora:Deposit:O 17:8","Agora","O 17:8","","","Deposit","Late Helladic III C/Early Protogeometric (date uncertain)","","5 August 1957","Agora:Image:1997.17.0284::/Agora/1997/1997.17/1997.17.0284.tif::954::1246","Infant grave near Phaidon street cistern. No offerings.; ; Roughly rectangular, almost elliptical cutting in bedrock, measuring 0.70m long, 0.35m wide, and 0.40m deep, oriented south-southwest to north-northeast. The skeleton of what was stated to be a ""newborn infant,"" head to the south-southwest, was laid out within the pit and covered by a stone slab.; Reanalysis of the bone identified the presence of two infant inhumations, which were subsequently labeled AA 289 a,b","" "Roman Pithos at 38/ΛΔ","","Agora:Deposit:O 19:6","Agora","O 19:6","","","Deposit","Early to Middle Roman","","7 April 1938","Agora:Image:1997.17.0313::/Agora/1997/1997.17/1997.17.0313.tif::900::675","Roman Pithos at 38/ΛΔ.","" "Well at 99/ME","","Agora:Deposit:P 16:1","Agora","P 16:1","","","Deposit","","","5 May 1952; 5-14 July 1952","Agora:Image:1997.13.0271::/Agora/1997/1997.13/1997.13.0271.tif::1038::772","Well at 99/ΜΕ.; Just outside of SE corner of Fountain House. This well was used in at least two periods; the marble well curb of the second period, certainly Byzantine, was found in place. The fill was Byzantine to bottom, representing a period of use deposit of the 10th to 11th centuries.","" "Well in East Colonnade of Roman House H","","Agora:Deposit:P 21:2","Agora","P 21:2","","","Deposit","","","29 July 1970","Agora:Image:2004.01.1887::/Agora/2004/2004.01/2004.01.1887.tif::1826::1180","Well in East Colonnade of Roman House H. Diameter 0.80m, lined with field stones set in mortar. used as a cistern as well.; No useful pottery dates. Capital from colonnade A 3866 and part of shaft found at 2.50m-3.00m, indicating destruction of house (late 6th, 580's by Slavs). Three marble heads found at -4.65m to -5.25m suggest change from Pagan to Christian in early 6th c. A.D. (ca. 529 A.D.).; See also Q 21:4 from same house. Marble heads (S 2354-2356) deliberately discarded before house went out of use.","" "Well in West Colonnade of Roman House H","","Agora:Deposit:P 21:3","Agora","P 21:3","","","Deposit","","","June-August 1970","Agora:Image:1997.17.0048::/Agora/1997/1997.17/1997.17.0048.tif::1308::982","Well in West Colonnade of Roman House H. Covered by a large handsome marble well-head, apparently reused. Cut through bedrock. Diameter ca. 1.20m, water at -3.60m.; Two distinct POU fills. One at ca. -4.50m to -4.75m dating to the 7th c. A.D.. probably to be associated with the reoccupation of Roman House H by squallers, the other at -6.30m to -6.75m of the 6th c. A.D., reflecting period of use of the house.","" "Well in Room 7 of Roman House H","","Agora:Deposit:Q 21:4","Agora","Q 21:4","","","Deposit","6th c. A.D.","","23 July 1971","Agora:Image:1997.17.0064::/Agora/1997/1997.17/1997.17.0064.tif::1288::968","Well in Room 7 of Roman House H, partially covered by caldarium of added bath complex (Room 6). Stone well-head; 0.85m in diameter. Stpped because of danger of collapse. Cut through bedrock, water from ca. -4.00m on down.; Found empty for upper -12.00m, deliberately sealed shut.","" "Kernos Pit 1 under Valerian Wall","","Agora:Deposit:T 22:1","Agora","T 22:1","","","Deposit","4th c. B.C.","","11, 12, 14, 24 March 1938","Agora:Image:2000.02.0869::/Agora/2000/2000.02/2000.02.0869.tif::2023::1354","Kernos Pit #1 under Valerian Wall.","" "Well","","Agora:Deposit:T 22:3","Agora","T 22:3","","","Deposit","Late 4th/early 5th AD","FixChildren","14 June-31 July 31 2002, 25 June-3 July, 2003","Agora:Image:2004.04.0034::/Agora/2004/2004.04/2004.04.0034.tif::1571::1549","Well cut into bedrock, associated with late Roman building G in ΕΛ 1.2m in diameter, narrows to 0.5m at bottom. Disturbed by later pits at top. Excavated from 85.77-79.25m (6.52m), but bedrock at 85.91m may have been the original elevation of the mouth. Upper portion originally lined; collapsed lining found in Layer V. Six layers of dumped fills and one period of use fill. Water table at ca. 82.55m.; Layers:; I. (85.77-84.94m) mixed rocky fill.; II. (84.94-83.92m) dark fill with tiles.; III. (83.92-83.75m) dark compact fill, less tiles.; IV. (83.75-83.07m) rocky, sandy fill (excavated in two baskets, seasons 2002-2003).; V. (83.07-82.55m) browner sandy fill with tiles.; VI. (82.55-80.75m) water table, grayer fill.; POU; VII. (80.75-79.25m) dark fill, whole jugs and water jars.",""