"Collection","UserLevel","dc-description","dc-creator","dc-title","Icon","Redirect","Id","Type","dc-date","Chronology","Name","dc-subject","dc-publisher" "Agora","","PD 2468","","Eleusinion - actual state plan.","Agora:Image:2015.21.0005::/Agora/2015/2015.21/2015.21.0005.tif::4096::5246","","Agora:Image:2015.21.0005","Image","1980","","2015.21.0005","Site | By Area | South | Eleusinion | Plans and Drawings","" "Agora","","PD 2469, amended by R. C. A. in September 1993.; Digital file scanned from publication.; Cf. 2002.02.0098.","W.B. Dinsmoor, Jr.","Eleusinion: actual state plan, Section II.","Agora:Drawing:DA 12381::/Agora/Architecture/DAs/12000-12999/DA 12381.tif::0::0","","Agora:Drawing:DA 12381","Drawing","2002","","PD 2469 (DA 12381)","Site | By Area | South | Eleusinion | Plans and Drawings","" "Agora","","Kernos Pit #1 under Valerian Wall.","","Kernos Pit 1 under Valerian Wall","Agora:Image:2000.02.0869::/Agora/2000/2000.02/2000.02.0869.tif::2023::1354","","Agora:Deposit:T 22:1","Deposit","11, 12, 14, 24 March 1938","4th c. B.C.","T 22:1","","" "Agora","","Well cut into bedrock, associated with late Roman building G in ΕΛ 1.2m in diameter, narrows to 0.5m at bottom. Disturbed by later pits at top. Excavated from 85.77-79.25m (6.52m), but bedrock at 85.91m may have been the original elevation of the mouth. Upper portion originally lined; collapsed lining found in Layer V. Six layers of dumped fills and one period of use fill. Water table at ca. 82.55m.; Layers:; I. (85.77-84.94m) mixed rocky fill.; II. (84.94-83.92m) dark fill with tiles.; III. (83.92-83.75m) dark compact fill, less tiles.; IV. (83.75-83.07m) rocky, sandy fill (excavated in two baskets, seasons 2002-2003).; V. (83.07-82.55m) browner sandy fill with tiles.; VI. (82.55-80.75m) water table, grayer fill.; POU; VII. (80.75-79.25m) dark fill, whole jugs and water jars.","","Well","Agora:Image:2004.04.0034::/Agora/2004/2004.04/2004.04.0034.tif::1571::1549","","Agora:Deposit:T 22:3","Deposit","14 June-31 July 31 2002, 25 June-3 July, 2003","Late 4th/early 5th AD","T 22:3","FixChildren","" "Agora","","Investigations in the area of Archaic Temple","","Investigations in the Area of Archaic Temple","Agora:Image:2000.02.0605::/Agora/2000/2000.02/2000.02.0605.tif::1705::1276","","Agora:Deposit:T-U 19-20","Deposit","15 July -21 August 1959; 19-20 April 1960","First half of 6th c. B.C. - early 5th c. B.C.","T-U 19-20",".I Pre-Temple levels : Mainly first half of 6th century B.C., with some material as late as the third quarter.","" "Agora","","Well cut into bedrock under late Roman building in ΕΛ. 1.2m in diameter with small cutting of unclear function at south edge about 0.2m wide. Walls cut straight down, tapering near bottom to 0.8m. Footholds about 30cm apart down the north and south sides. Does not seem to have tapped into a water source, no distinct period of use. There were 14 layers of fill from two periods-the Roman resurfacing of the area using Hellenistic fill (possibly associated with Deposit T-U 21:1, but not kept as such since floors were damaged in area directly above) and dumped fill from the late 6th/early 5th c. B.C. Much earlier material (Neolithic, etc) mixed throughout.; Layers:; Hellenistic fill under Roman floors; I.(86.34-85.93m) rubble; II.(85.93-85.58m) dark brown rubble; III.(85.57-85.30m) more stony rubble; IV.(85.30-84.80m) very rocky, almost sterile, increase of clay and sand; V.(84.80-84.03m) less rocks, almost sterile, increase of clay and sand; Late 6th/early 5th B.C dumped fills; VI.(84.03-82.64m) mix of clay and sand deposits, dog skulls; VII.(82.64-81.79m) mostly sand; VIII.(81.79-81.39m) light brownish-grey clay, almost sterile; IX.(80.39-80.99m) mix of grey clay, brown clay and sand, much ceramic; X.(80.99-80.24m) sandy, more ceramic; XI.(80.19-77.74m) sandy, enormous stones (some 100kg+). A ""contamination layer"" was excavated after layer X because heavy rains refilled the well.; XII.(77.74-75.71m) clay with sand, even more ceramic, ,burned rocks and sherds; pigment and wood; XIII.(75.71-74.84m) crushed bedrock and marl, wood (bucket), large shells, little ceramic, pigment. Excavated in two baskets, seasons 2002 and 2003.; XIV.(74.84-74.57m) bluish-gray crushed bedrock,, little ceramic and charcoal","","Well","Agora:Image:2009.01.0270::/Agora/2009/2009.01/2009.01.0270.tif::3040::2008","","Agora:Deposit:U 21:1","Deposit","26 June-2 August 2001; 12 June-2 August 2002; 12-23 June 2003","Late Archaic","U 21:1","","" "Agora","","Well South of Soft Yellow Poros Foundation. Dumped filling of a collapsed well, that, due to hazardous conditions, could not be cleared below- 2.50m. The well was partly cut on the east side by a Byzantine storage pithos, and on the south side it was disturbed by another, tile-lined, well of the Roman period (U 19:4), which had been used for water and then as a cesspool inn the early 20th century.; Filling almost entirely later Protogeometric, with a few sherds of Earliest Protogeometric, all apparently drawn from disturbed graves.; At -1.50m a complete and ordered skeleton (man of 45-50 years old), doubled up so that its thighbones were parallel to and to the backbone, lay on a rough stone slab.","","Well South of Soft Yellow Poros Foundation","Agora:Image:2012.55.1273::/Agora/2012/2012.55/2012.55.1273.jpg::2048::1600","","Agora:Deposit:U-V 19:1","Deposit","13-15 April 1959","Protogeometric-Early Geometric II, ca. 850 B.C.","U-V 19:1","","" "Agora","","AMS; Photo taken for M. Miles.","","Panathenaic Way, from north.","Agora:Image:2012.72.1687::/Agora/2012/2012.72/2012.72.1687.jpg::2048::1396","","Agora:Image:2012.72.1687","Image","December 1981","","2012.72.1687 (81-51-3)","Site | By Area | Panathenaic Way",""