"dc-publisher","Icon","dc-subject","Collection","dc-description","Id","UserLevel","Redirect","Chronology","dc-creator","dc-date","Name","Type","dc-title" "","Agora:Image:2009.05.0020::/Agora/2009/2009.05/2009.05.0020.tif::679::893","","Agora","Enclosure within Roman Circular Building. The finds apparently reflect the entire area inside the enclosure. Pottery lot ΒΓ 515 identifies the deposit as layer 10 and coin #895 from layer 11 says ""layer below the deposit"".","Agora:Deposit:J 5:2","","","","","12-18 August 1971; 9-10 May 1972","J 5:2","Deposit","Crossroads Enclosure" "","Agora:Image:2007.11.1126::/Agora/2007/2007.11/2007.11.1126.tif::3504::2053","","Agora","Located at the bifurcation of the Panathenaic Way and West Road.Byzantine fill (9th-10th century) in upper 5.70m. with a series of Classical to Hellenistic accumulations below.","Agora:Deposit:J 5:1","","","","","14 June-27 July 1971","J 5:1","Deposit","Crossroads Well" "","Agora:Image:2010.01.0105::/Agora/2010/2010.01/2010.01.0105.tif::4368::2912","","Agora","Inscribed Herm base.; Part of top west surface broken away.; Inscribed front. Socket for insertion of Herm above. Within socket, a round dowel hole, with lead remains. Smoothly finished sides, back tooth picked.; Onesippos.; Pentelic marble.","Agora:Object:I 7168","","","","","17 July 1970","I 7168","Object","Herm Base" "","Agora:Image:2012.03.0136::/Agora/2012/2012.03/2012.03.0136.tif::4724::4512","","Agora","Broken at neck, preserving part of socket of right arm. Tip of nose broken. Lower lip replaced, probably ancient repair during carving.; Bearded. Long hair in waves from face and circulating from crown long in back. Stephane held with thin cord at back.; Large crystal white marble.","Agora:Object:S 2452","","","","","17-20 August 1971","S 2452","Object","Herm Head" "","Agora:Image:2012.03.0001::/Agora/2012/2012.03/2012.03.0001.tif::5080::5082","","Agora","Broken at bottom. Beard, side locks, right side of nose, left central part of curls over forehead broken away. Crack across top of head. Cutting and dowel for repair at lower back.; Alcamenoid herm. Hair radiates from center of head, bound by a twisted cord. It falls down back in waving mass with individual strands picked out. Three rows of snail curls over forehead. Thick beard also with individual curling strands picked out. Full mouth, sharply cut eyebrows run into line of nose. Rasp marks on underside of hair and neck, drilling in ears. Note wear on curls over forehead at left. Herm lay with this side up, maybe worn down by feet.; White marble.","Agora:Object:S 2499","","","2nd c. A.D.","","27 June 1972","S 2499","Object","Herm Head" "","Agora:Image:1997.01.0330::/Agora/1997/1997.01/1997.01.0330.tif::688::1075","","Agora","Grave 1. Burial of a child perhaps 6 years old, covered by broken amphora. Skeleton lay extended on its back, oriented N-S, with head at south. No grave gifts.","Agora:Deposit:I 5:1","","","Final Mycenaean/Submycenaean","Susan Rotroff","9 May 1973","I 5:1","Deposit","Pit Τomb, Child Inhumation" "","Agora:Image:1997.01.0331::/Agora/1997/1997.01/1997.01.0331.tif::914::699","","Agora","Grave 2. Adult female inhumation. Grave extending under the south retaining wall of the Temenos of the Royal Stoa. It is oriented ne-sw, with head at sw. Grave built of slabs of schist, with packing of small stones around north end. Floor was bedrock. ; The grave diggers cut into an earlier grave immediately to the north; this grave was found empty. It was also a cist grave, with similar orientation.; The skeleton lay extended on her back, her hands originally over her lower abdomen. (Bones have been somewhat displaced by action of water- the skull was found beside the feet). The skeleton is that of a small woman (ca. 152 cm. tall) aged 20-21.","Agora:Deposit:I 5:2","","","Final Mycenaean/Submycenaean","Susan I. Rotroff","13-15 June 1973","I 5:2","Deposit","Cist Τomb, Adult Female Inhumation in ΒΓ" "","Agora:Image:1997.01.0333::/Agora/1997/1997.01/1997.01.0333.tif::967::687","","Agora","Burial 3 beneath the floor of the Stoa Basileios. It consisted of a rectangular pit cut into bedrock to a depth of 0.44m, lined on all sides and covered with an admixture of narrow stone slabs of soft limestone, sandstones, and schist, varying in thickness between 0.020 and 0.150m. Most of the cover slabs were small, but the larger, main cover stone measured 0.46mx0.85m; it had collapsed on one side into the grave, but caused virtually no damage to the contents of the tomb. ; Oriented southwest-northeast, the inner dimensions of the tomb measured 1.64m long and 0.43m wide (external dimensions): 1.90m long, 0.65m wide). The floor of the tomb was neatly worked bedrock, although it is clear from the section that bedrock in the immediate vicinity sloped down from west to east.; Adult female inhumation. Woman 35-45 years old, placed on her back in a fully extended position, head to the southwest. The left lower arm lay across the waist; the right arm was bent, with the hand resting on the right shoulder. Skull had rolled slightly onto the left shoulder.","Agora:Deposit:I 5:3","","","Final Mycenaean/Submycenaean","Susan I. Rotroff","16-19 July 1973","I 5:3","Deposit","Cist Τomb, Adult Inhumation"