"dc-publisher","dc-description","Redirect","Type","dc-creator","Icon","dc-title","Id","Collection","Chronology","dc-date","Name","dc-subject","UserLevel" "","Horizontal (normal)","","Image","","Agora:Image:2004.01.1638::/Agora/2004/2004.01/2004.01.1638.tif::1180::1825","Snake goddess plaque, 7th c. B.C. Deposit H 17:4","Agora:Image:2004.01.1638","Agora","","1951","2004.01.1638 (HAT 51-42)","Site | By Area | South | Areopagus Slopes | Areopagus North Slope | Geometric House and Proto-Attic Terracotta Deposit","" "","Ptg. 232","","Image","Piet de Jong","Agora:Image:2004.01.1639::/Agora/2004/2004.01/2004.01.1639.tif::1185::1768","Protoattic votive shield, with horse. Watercolor by Piet de Jong. Deposit H 17:4","Agora:Image:2004.01.1639","Agora","","1958","2004.01.1639 (HAT 58-225)","Site | By Area | South | Areopagus Slopes | Areopagus North Slope | Geometric House and Proto-Attic Terracotta Deposit","" "","Ptg. 75","","Image","Piet de Jong","Agora:Image:2004.01.1640::/Agora/2004/2004.01/2004.01.1640.tif::1171::1751","Protoattic oinochoe, with beaked spirals. Watercolor by Piet de Jong. Deposit H 17:4.","Agora:Image:2004.01.1640","Agora","","1958","2004.01.1640 (HAT 58-255)","Site | By Area | South | Areopagus Slopes | Areopagus North Slope | Geometric House and Proto-Attic Terracotta Deposit","" "","Ptg. 262","","Image","Piet de Jong","Agora:Image:2004.01.1641::/Agora/2004/2004.01/2004.01.1641.tif::1193::1808","Protoattic snake goddess plaque. Watercolor by Piet de Jong, the profile by M. Simpkin. Deposit H 17:4","Agora:Image:2004.01.1641","Agora","","1958","2004.01.1641 (HAT 58-256)","Site | By Area | South | Areopagus Slopes | Areopagus North Slope | Geometric House and Proto-Attic Terracotta Deposit","" "","Ptg. 56","","Image","Piet de Jong","Agora:Image:2004.01.1642::/Agora/2004/2004.01/2004.01.1642.tif::1803::1185","Protoattic kantharos, beaked spirals. Watercolor by Piet de Jong showing the two faces of P 579. Ptg. 56 at left; Ptg. 57 at right.","Agora:Image:2004.01.1642","Agora","","1958","2004.01.1642 (HAT 58-291)","Site | By Area | South | Areopagus Slopes | Areopagus North Slope | Geometric House and Proto-Attic Terracotta Deposit","" "","Ptg. 253","","Image","Piet de Jong","Agora:Image:2004.01.1643::/Agora/2004/2004.01/2004.01.1643.tif::1193::1742","Protoattic votive shield. Watercolor by Piet de Jong. Deposit H 17:4","Agora:Image:2004.01.1643","Agora","","1958","2004.01.1643 (HAT 58-292)","Site | By Area | South | Areopagus Slopes | Areopagus North Slope | Geometric House and Proto-Attic Terracotta Deposit","" "","Ptg. 260","","Image","M. Wyckof","Agora:Image:2004.01.1644::/Agora/2004/2004.01/2004.01.1644.tif::1171::1553","Terracotta Deposit H 17:4. From left to right, upper row: a painted bird (T 187) and a rider (T 195); bottom row, four horses team with driver (T 186) and horse from a chariot group (T 196). Watercolor by M. Wyckof.","Agora:Image:2004.01.1644","Agora","","1958","2004.01.1644 (HAT 58-293)","Site | By Area | South | Areopagus Slopes | Areopagus North Slope | Geometric House and Proto-Attic Terracotta Deposit","" "","Ptg. 288","","Image","Piet de Jong","Agora:Image:2004.01.1645::/Agora/2004/2004.01/2004.01.1645.tif::1189::1751","Late Geometric oinochoe-lekythos. Watercolor by Piet de Jong. Deposit H 17:4","Agora:Image:2004.01.1645","Agora","","1958","2004.01.1645 (HAT 58-306)","Site | By Area | South | Areopagus Slopes | Areopagus North Slope | Geometric House and Proto-Attic Terracotta Deposit",""