"Type","Icon","dc-creator","dc-subject","dc-title","dc-description","Collection","Chronology","UserLevel","Redirect","dc-date","dc-publisher","Id","Name" "Object","Agora:Image:2013.04.9258::/Agora/2013/2013.04/2013.04.9258.jpg::1326::2000","","","Draped Female Figure","Missing: the head, the right arm from above the elbow, the left hand, the left foot (doweled on) and parts of the drapery.; The figure is seen walking swiftly forward, the left leg advanced, the drapery blown back around it. She wears a thin undergarment, with sleeves gathered by buttons, and over this a chiton of heavier material, highly girded, and with an overfold. A small shawl covers her left shoulder, passes round her back and crosses in front to fall over her bent arm. The preserved right foot wears a sandal. The left foot, which was separately attached, projected out over the plinth.; Pentelic marble.","Agora","","","","13 March 1934","","Agora:Object:S 440","S 440" "Object","Agora:Image:2010.01.0070::/Agora/2010/2010.01/2010.01.0070.tif::1012::1535","","","Black Figure Neck Amphora","Mended from several pieces; complete except for fragment of neck and rim, and minor chips. Echinus foot, plump ovoid body; neck concave in profile; rim rounded, projecting, flat on top. Rolled handles, shoulder to middle of neck. Above foot, reserved zone with rays; on shoulder below neck, front and back, tongue pattern, the tongues alternately red and black. Around the neck, linked lotus buds and flowers, all outlined with incision. The hearts of the buds red, of the flowers white. Glazed inside to the base of the neck; the top of the lip reserved. A circle of grayed glaze under one handle and a circular patch on the front; contact with other vases in the kiln?","Agora","","","","24 July 1947","","Agora:Object:P 18348","P 18348" "Object","Agora:Image:2012.03.0099::/Agora/2012/2012.03/2012.03.0099.tif::5080::5082","","","Herm Head","Broken at neck. Back of head, including part of one ear; appears to have been cut to form flat surface. Tip of beard and nose missing. Very worn. Heavy encrustation on hair above forehead, nothing on re-cut back.; Long hair combed forward and ending in curls on front; fillet of three flat ridges around top of head; mustache and stylized beard. Rounded protruding eyes, deep set in corners. Ear unusually large.; White marble.","Agora","","","","7 July 1981","","Agora:Object:S 3347","S 3347" "Object","Agora:Image:2013.18.0136::/Agora/2013/2013.18/2013.18.0136.jpg::2808::1872","","","Marble Trophy Base","Marble block intact.; The top of the monument is recessed to admit a plinth. The top front is decorated with a folded cuirass atop two or three shields. The top chipped at front left, and worked smooth along the back, where there are also signs of footwear; dowel hole and a clamp hole at back left side. The front of the base depicts a life-size shield decorated with the club of Herakles in relief. The sides of the monument are also shields, unadorned with other sculptural decoration. The shields at left recessed. The back of the monument is fashioned with anathyrosis and dowel hole to admit another block. Bottom more smoothly tooled along the back than front.","Agora","","","","6 August 2010","","Agora:Object:S 3557","S 3557" "Object","Agora:Image:2016.05.1017::/Agora/2016/2016.05/2016.05.1017.tif::5475::6535","","","Portrait Bust of Female Figure","Intact. Perhaps unfinished.; Very personalized portrait of a middle-aged woman. ; Long strands of hair, parted in middle, pulled down and back over ears. Hair in back bound in a thick coil. She wears a thick fillet tied at the back, and a wreath. Eyebrows defined with lightly incised strokes; frown lines between brows. Large drilled pupils. Dimpled chin. Deep broad lines below eyes and around mouth. Thick neck, receding chin. Light undergarment with heavier wrap over shoulders, tied in front. Large molded base. No inscription. Face and neck somewhat polished.; Crystalline white marble.","Agora","3rd c. A.D.","","","21 July 1971","","Agora:Object:S 2435","S 2435"