"dc-subject","dc-title","dc-description","Chronology","Collection","Type","Icon","dc-creator","dc-publisher","Name","Id","UserLevel","Redirect","dc-date" "Coins | By Subject | Gods | Athena | Head or Bust","","Coin no. 7.; 70/Α'*","Ca. 130-90 B.C.","Agora","Coin","Agora:Image:2012.75.0238::/Agora/2012/2012.75/2012.75.0238.jpg::2048::1344","","Athens","N 18211","Agora:Coin:N 18211","","","19 April 1933" "Coins | By Subject | Gods | Apollo | Standing","","Coin no. 77.; Casts stored in Lab Case No 52D","(140's or) 150's - ca. 175 A.D.","Agora","Coin","Agora:Image:2023.03.0808::/Agora/2023/2023.03/2023.03.0808.tif::2048::886","","Athens","N 18268","Agora:Coin:N 18268","","","19 April 1933" "","Square Well","Also called Turkish well.","","Agora","Deposit","","","","H 10:1","Agora:Deposit:H 10:1","","","19 April-4 May 1933" "","Below Poseidon Street, looking west. At left, two pithoi, numbers 4 and 3 on plan. Pithos 2 in front of Pithos 3 does not show. Above the pithoi and below the pile of marbles at the top of picture is the layer of reddish earth flecked with marble chips and poros fragments. The windlass is over the square well at 66/Β. Late wall on stoa, and marble blocks (#5) in upper right.","AMS","","Agora","Image","Agora:Image:2012.34.0318::/Agora/2012/2012.34/2012.34.0318.jpg::2048::1392","","","2012.34.0318 (Section Ζ 87)","Agora:Image:2012.34.0318","","","19 Apr 1933" "","Below Poseidon Street, looking west. At left, two pithoi, numbers 4 and 3 on plan. Pithos 2 in front of Pithos 3 does not show. Above the pithoi and below the pile of marbles at the top of picture is the layer of reddish earth flecked with marble chips and poros fragments. The windlass is over the square well at 66/Β. Late wall on stoa, and marble blocks (#5) in upper right.","Scanned 2005 for the 75th anniversary exhibition and publication.","","Agora","Image","Agora:Image:2009.03.0144::/Agora/2009/2009.03/2009.03.0144.tif::2741::1811","","","2009.03.0144 (Section Ζ 87)","Agora:Image:2009.03.0144","","","19 Apr 1933" "","Square Well","Ζ-6","Turkish, Glazed and Plain","Agora","NotebookPage","Agora:NotebookPage:Ζ-6-17::/Agora/Notebooks/Ζ/Ζ 006/Ζ 006 017 (1003-1004).jpg::2048::1711","","","Ζ-6-17 (pp. 1003-1004)","Agora:NotebookPage:Ζ-6-17","","","Jun 12 1933" "","Coins","Ζ-8","","Agora","NotebookPage","Agora:NotebookPage:Ζ-8-5::/Agora/Notebooks/Ζ/Ζ 008/Ζ 008 005 (1371-1372).jpg::2048::1652","","","Ζ-8-5 (pp. 1371-1372)","Agora:NotebookPage:Ζ-8-5","","","15 Apr 1935" "","Great Drain","Ζ-8","Greek; 276-282 A.D.; Mid 2nd A.D.; Athens; Athenian Imperial; Vandal; 3rd A.D.; 229-30 B.C.; 270-278 A.D.; 166 B.C.; 323-361 A.D.; 253-268 A.D.; 255-229 B.C.; 339-297 A.D.; 283-285 A.D.; 286-305 A.D.; 1st half of 2nd A.D.","Agora","NotebookPage","Agora:NotebookPage:Ζ-8-59::/Agora/Notebooks/Ζ/Ζ 008/Ζ 008 059 (1479-1480).jpg::2048::1585","","","Ζ-8-59 (pp. 1479-1480)","Agora:NotebookPage:Ζ-8-59","","","3 Apr 1933"