"Id","Collection","Icon","dc-title","dc-creator","dc-subject","UserLevel","dc-date","Name","Chronology","Redirect","dc-description","dc-publisher","Type" "Agora:Image:2012.12.0415","Agora","Agora:Image:2012.12.0415::/Agora/2012/2012.12/2012.12.0415.tif::2362::1575","Electrum coin, with a bull on the obverse, beside a penny.","Craig Mauzy","","","17 Jul 2012","2012.12.0415","","","In End of Season Preliminary Report 2012, fig. 11 a.; Text, more images, etc. can be found in ; Unworked / Projects / 2012 Excavation / 2012.12. Report","","Image" "Agora:Image:2012.12.0416","Agora","Agora:Image:2012.12.0416::/Agora/2012/2012.12/2012.12.0416.tif::2953::1426","Electrum coin with a bull on the obverse.","Craig Mauzy","","","17 Jul 2012","2012.12.0416","","","In End of Season Preliminary Report 2012, fig. 11 b.; Text, more images, etc. can be found in ; Unworked / Projects / 2012 Excavation / 2012.12. Report","","Image" "Agora:Publication:Hesperia 84","Agora","","Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens","","","","2015","Hesperia 84 (2015)","","","Hesperia","American School of Classical Studies at Athens","Publication" "Agora:Report:2012 Excavations","Agora","Agora:Image:2012.12.0055::/Agora/2012/2012.12/2012.12.0055.tif::4368::2912","Preliminary Report on the 2012 Excavation Season","John McK. Camp II","Checked","","11 Jun-3 Aug 2012","2012 Excavations","","","Excavations were carried out in four areas during the 2012 season: three in the area of the Painted Stoa at the northwest corner of the Agora (sections ΒΗ, ΒΖ, ΒΘ), and one in the Panthenaic Way (section ΒΓ). The report is a very preliminary account of the results of the work this season.; In the Panthenaic Way, Hellenistic and Classical numerous road levels were excavated in two trenches. One more stone socket for wooden posts was uncovered in the eastern trench.; In section ΒΗ, a well was excavated to its full depth. It dates to the 4th and 5th centuries A.D. and contained a large amount of pottery of which many pieces were intact. Above this layer, pieces of broken roof tiles, an antefix and a sima, that may come from the Painted Stoa, were recovered. At the extreme east end of the section, part of the east wall of the Painted Stoa came to light.; In section ΒΖ, excavation took place in the area beyond the Classical Commercial Building, mostly in late archaic fills. Remarkable finds were an almost complete black-figured lekythos, and a tiny electrum coin.; In section ΒΘ, in the eastern trench, excavation continued within several rooms of the Byzantine period; in the western trench, the upper part of Byzantine walls were exposed.","","Report" "Agora:ReportPage:2012-Excavations-11","Agora","Agora:ReportPage:2012-Excavations-11::/Agora/Reports/2012 Excavations/2012 Excavations 011.jpg::1448::2048","Fig. 11a","","","","","2012 Excavations, s. 11","","","2012 Excavations","","ReportPage"