"dc-date","Name","dc-creator","Icon","dc-description","Chronology","dc-publisher","UserLevel","Id","dc-subject","dc-title","Redirect","Collection","Type" "7 June 1951","G 423","","","Base with part of walls preserved.; Bottom rises toward the middle; wall curves inward.; Pale green glass, speckled by bubbles.; ; Cf. G 12.","","","","Agora:Object:G 423","","Vase Fragment","","Agora","Object" "7 June 1951","G 424","","","Base.; Flat floor, curving slightly upward towards sides. Bottom with slightly flaring ring foot.; Pale greenish glass; slightly iridescent.","","","","Agora:Object:G 424","","Bowl Fragment","","Agora","Object" "7 June 1951","G 425","","Agora:Image:2007.01.0596::/Agora/2007/2007.01/2007.01.0596.tif::1569::1551","Two joining fragments of a base.; Flat bottom, slightly rising in middle, and bulging at sides to make a projecting base. Walls are pinched inward to make a fluted effect.; Colorless glass, now iridescent.; ; Cf. G 78.","","","","Agora:Object:G 425","","Beaker Fragment","","Agora","Object" "8 July 1947","B 790","","","Apparently intact.; Solid stem.; Somewhat corroded.","","","","Agora:Object:B 790","","Dikast's Ballot","","Agora","Object" "8 July 1947","B 791","","","Apparently intact.; Solid stem.; Considerably corroded.","","","","Agora:Object:B 791","","Dikast's Ballot","","Agora","Object" "7 June 1951","P 21621","","Agora:Image:2007.01.1913::/Agora/2007/2007.01/2007.01.1913.tif::919::623","Broken off at rim of brazier. Vertical lug, a roughly flattened oval in shape, with a rib down the center on inside and outside and faint indications of ""leaves"" springing from this on the outer face.; ; Coarse red clay, unglazed.","","","","Agora:Object:P 21621","","Brazier Lug","","Agora","Object" "8 July 1947","T 2401","","","Mold for relief of crouching boar, seen from the side; the hind quarters only missing. Broken at left; otherwise intact.; Carefully made of fairly fine buff clay; on the outside, one projection and parts of two others for fastening the mold in place.","","","","Agora:Object:T 2401","","Mold Fragment for Boar Figurine","","Agora","Object" "8 July 1947","T 2402","","","At the lower edge of the mould, the head of an animal in low relief (horse? boar?).; In front of it, undetermined representation.; On the back of the mold a small knob, hollowed out.","","","","Agora:Object:T 2402","","Mold Fragment for Animal Figurine","","Agora","Object" "8 July 1947","T 2403","","Agora:Image:2012.55.0300::/Agora/2012/2012.55/2012.55.0300.jpg::1615::2048","Seated lion; in the background, above, small running animal (ferret, dog?); beside it head of a lioness, below snake.; Parts of two adjacent edges preserved; broken at the left; knob on the back.; Probably from a conical mold for a group of Orheus and the beasts, as T 2507 (OO 317).","","","","Agora:Object:T 2403","","Mold Fragment for Lion Figurine","","Agora","Object" "7 June 1951, 8 July 1967","T 2404","","Agora:Image:2012.02.9845::/Agora/2012/2012.02/2012.02.9845.tif::4131::3822","Part of lower edge preserved, with one leg of a low table or couch.; On a sort of a panel hanging from or just under the table and outlined in low relief in the mould, letters, also in low relief.; Second fragment, joining, found. Full height of mold preserved; broken at left, and at lower right.; Represented is a group of two figures, a woman on a couch, and a male figure wearing a comic mask seated on the couch at her feet (to the left in the positive). The woman holds a wreath in her right hand. The man in his left.; In relief in the mold is the inscription: COMEDIA; PYLADES; written on the background beneath the couch.; ; ","","","","Agora:Object:T 2404","","Inscribed Mold","","Agora","Object" "8 July 1947","L 4253","","","Broken below and behind.; Head and shoulders of Pan playing the pipes.; Pierced eyes.; Dull red glaze.","","","","Agora:Object:L 4253","","Plastic Lamp Fragment: Pan","","Agora","Object" "8 July 1947","L 4254","","","Broken all around.; Fragment from the discus of a large lamp.; Head of Athena, left, wearing Corinthian helmet with high, flowing crest. Tip of spear (?) in background behind.; Pale greenish-buff clay.; ; Type XXVII of Corinth collection.","","","","Agora:Object:L 4254","","Discus of Lamp","","Agora","Object"