"dc-publisher","Icon","dc-subject","Collection","dc-description","Id","UserLevel","Redirect","dc-creator","Chronology","dc-date","Name","Type","dc-title" "","Agora:Image:1999.01.0001::/Agora/1999/1999.01/1999.01.0001.tif::2126::1401","Checked","Agora","Most of the work this season was concentrated in the northern half of Section ΒΖ where the Byzantine levels were further explored. Street walls along both sides of the north-south road were revealed and part of three houses were uncovered. Several built pithoi were found within the houses, representing impressive storage capacity. A small hoard of copper coins dates the houses to the 11th century A.D. when the area after two centuries of abandonment became densely populated.; In Section ΒΕ excavation continued in the Classical commercial building where another pyre was discovered. A well was uncovered and was partly dug. It was filled with debris dating to the 2nd and 3rd quarter of the 5th c. B.C. More work was also done on two Mycenaean tombs.","Agora:Report:1999 Excavations","","","John McK. Camp II","","7 Jun-30 Jul 1999","1999 Excavations","Report","Preliminary Report on the 1999 Excavation Season" "","Agora:Image:2000.04.0014::/Agora/2000/2000.04/2000.04.0014.tif::1842::1217","Checked","Agora","Excavations were carried out in three sections, two to the northwest, (ΒΖ and ΒΕ) and one to the southeast of the Agora square (ΕΛ).; In Section ΒΖ the investigation of the remains of the 11th century settlement continued. The plans and stratigraphy of the houses were clarified. Several pithoi were more fully exposed and one tile-lined well was uncovered and partially excavated. A large amount of late Roman coins were recovered. The evidence of the excavations give a picture of an neighborhood with close-packed houses with no open space between and with considerable subterranean storage.; In Section ΒΕ the explorations of early levels in and around the Classical shop building continued. Further cleaning of the two Mycenaean tombs were carried out. The last of the fill containing ostraka was cleared adding another dozen or so to the total number of ostraka found, and the excavation of the 5th century B.C. well was completed.; In Section ΕΛ, in the area of Eleusinion, bedrock was cleared in several trenches to determine where it would be safe to found wooden walkways. The bedrock lies high in this area and the fills were shallow.","Agora:Report:2000 Excavations","","","John McK. Camp II","","6 Jun-28 Jul 2000","2000 Excavations","Report","Preliminary Report on the 2000 Excavation Season"