"Redirect","UserLevel","dc-title","Id","dc-publisher","Type","Collection","Name","Chronology","Icon","dc-subject","dc-description","dc-date","dc-creator" "","","Hellenistic Pottery Athenian and Imported Wheelmade Table Ware and Related Material","Agora:Publication:Agora 29","American School of Classical Studies at Athens","Publication","Agora","Agora XXIX","","Agora:Image:2009.09.0055::/Agora/2009/2009.09/2009.09.0055.jpg::366::500","","The second of two volumes on the Hellenistic fine ware unearthed in excavations in the Athenian Agora, this book presents the Hellenistic wheelmade table ware and votive vessels found between 1931 and 1982, some 1,500 Attic and 300 imported pieces. An introductory section includes chapters devoted to fixed points in the chronology of the pottery, to a general discussion of the decoration of Hellenistic pots, both stamped and painted, or “West Slope,” and to the question of workshops. The author dedicates much of the text to a typology of Attic Hellenistic fine ware, carefully examining the origins, development, chronology, forms, and decoration of each shape. The ordering of the material by function rather than by the form of vessels provides insight into life in Hellenistic Athens. Especially important is the development of a chronological framework that builds upon and refines the author’s earlier work in this area.","1997","Rotroff, S." "","","Hellenistic Pottery: The Plain Wares","Agora:Publication:Agora 33","The American School of Classical Studies at Athens","Publication","Agora","Agora XXXIII","","Agora:Image:2009.09.0063::/Agora/2009/2009.09/2009.09.0063.jpg::200::266","","This manuscript represents the third and final volume in the publication of the Hellenistic pottery unearthed by the American excavations in the Athenian Agora. The first installment (Agora XXII) was devoted to the moldmade bowls and the second (Agora XXIX) to the remainder of the fine ware. The third presents the plain wares, including household pottery, oil containers, and cooking pottery. In all, about 1,400 Hellenistic vessels in these categories have been entered into the excavation record, which are represented here in a catalogue of 847 objects. The study constructs a typology, based on both form and fabric, and a chronology for these ceramics, using the fact that many of the pieces were found in “closed contexts” like wells. Finally, the author discusses the possible functions of the ceramic shapes found, and uses them to reconstruct some of the domestic and industrial activities of Hellenistic Athenians. While it documents the pottery assemblage of one site, this book will be an essential reference tool for archaeologists around the Mediterranean.","2008","Rotroff, S." "","","Amphora Stamps from Thasos","Agora:Publication:Agora 37","The American School of Classical Studies at Athens","Publication","Agora","Agora XXXVII","","","","The Athenian Agora: Results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens","2016","Tzochev, Chavdar"