"Chronology","dc-subject","UserLevel","dc-date","Name","Icon","dc-title","dc-creator","Id","Collection","Type","dc-publisher","Redirect","dc-description" "","","","24 June 2005","BI 1223","Agora:Image:2005.02.0007::/Agora/2005/2005.02/2005.02.0007.tif::1105::653","Palmette Stamp","","Agora:Object:BI 1223","Agora","Object","","","Mended from two fragments, broken at one end. Burnt bone discolored black and white and cracked.; Length of bone, roughly square in section, slightly flaring at preserved end with palmette stamp carved into it. Stamp is slightly off the long vertical axis. Palmette with seven petals springing from two volutes. ; Carved end is crisp and well-preserved."