"Redirect","dc-description","dc-publisher","Type","Collection","Id","Icon","dc-title","dc-creator","dc-subject","UserLevel","dc-date","Name","Chronology" "","92 fragments preserve nearly two-thirds of rim and body, in addition to both lug handles. ; A) Four figures: on left, bearded man in profile to right, resting on knotted staff and wearing a mantle. To right, a youth in chitoniskos puts on a sword. To his right, a woman in chiton, mantle and sakkos stands frontally looking right and holding a spear in her right hand and a scabbard in her left. On far right, shanks and front of top of head of youth in profile, moving left and carrying a spear in one hand and a helmet in the other. ; b) Arming: On the left stands youth in chitoniskos facing right. In center, lower half of mantled youth moving left. On far right is mantled male figure resting on staff in three-quarter back view to left, with left hand extended. Both scenes framed above and below by egg patterns, also on top outer edge of handle. Two reserved bands 0.56m. apart inside rim, and bottom of handle in reserve. ; ; Attic clay. ; ; ADDENDA Section nos. that belong to this pot: ΒΓ' 173, ΒΓ' 183, ΒΓ' 191, ΒΓ' 192, ΒΓ' 193, ΒΓ' 194, ΒΓ' 195, ΒΓ' 200, ΒΓ' 349, ΒΓ' 515, ΒΓ' 516, ΒΓ' 517, ΒΓ' 518, ΒΓ' 519.; ; Lenningrad Painter/ J. Oakley.","","Object","Agora","Agora:Object:P 30002","Agora:Image:2014.04.0164::/Agora/2014/2014.04/2014.04.0164.jpg::3616::2636","Red Figure Bell Krater","","","","27 June-5 August 1972","P 30002","460 B.C." "","15 Fragments of rim and body, including one lug handle. ; a) Two joining body fragments depict head of Kastor with petasos to the right and the top of two spears. An inscription in added red to the right names him. ; b) Single body fragment has arm and hand of Polydeukes with trace of his lower torso. He is named in a retrograde inscription in added red. ; c) Four joining fragments preserve part of rim, body and one lug handle. Head of horse to right. ; d) Three joining body fragments give part of face, right arm and upper toso of bearded male figure standing frontally, looking left, wearing mantle and wreath.; e) Single fragment of rim and upper body. ; f) Single body fragment with part of upper border. ; g) Seven joining fragments from the lower body. On the left, shanks and mantle of a figure probably holding striped scepter. To the right, lower part of mantled youth leaning left on staff.; h) Two joining fragments of lower border.; i) Single fragment from top of body, showing top of a striped scepter which overlaps the egg pattern of the border. ; j) Single body fragment depicts someone holding a striped scepter. ; k) Single body fragment showing part of striped scepter.; l) Two joining body fragments give part of the shanks and mantle of a figure together with part of a striped scepter which the figure probably held.; m) Two joining fragments from the body give part of the lower egg pattern border.; n) Single body fragment with part of upper border and reserved area around handle.; o) Single rim fragment with reserved band.; ; A) Probably the setting out, or return, or apotheosis of the Dioscuri.; B) Youths and men.; ; ADDENDA Section nos. that belong to this pot: ΒΓ' 182, ΒΓ' 183d, ΒΓ' 514.","","Object","Agora","Agora:Object:P 30011","Agora:Image:2012.74.1194::/Agora/2012/2012.74/2012.74.1194.jpg::2048::1311","Red Figure Bell Krater Fragments","","","","27 June-5 August 1972","P 30011",""